Apr 08, 2005 20:44
Immortal words by Carolyn.
We were in Rome for the first part of the funeral today, watching it on the tv in our hostel. Apparently the population of Rome doubled for this event. Our part of Rome (near Termini), though, was practically deserted. We could walk across the street by the train station without dodging traffic at all. Very strange. We decided to get out of the city anyway, though, because nothing was open, so we went to a really beautiful little town and took a lot of pictures. Rather, Carolyn took a lot of pictures that I'll be stealing later.^_^ On one of the sidestreets there was a big wooden horse that we climbed onto; Carolyn set her camera timer and hauled butt up there. Anyway, it was really fun, even though the cathedral there was closed too.
And this is what we came up with last night:
Italian Clue (like the game)**
The Suspects:
Spanish Icrecream Guy
Venetian Tourist Guy
Florentine Biker Dude
(need two more men we've encountered here)
The Places:
Milan Duomo
Piazza San Marco
The Grand Canal
The Accademia
The Uffizi
The Gelateri
Ponte Vecchio
The Colosseum
The Vatican
The Trevi Fountain
The Murder Weapons:
Flock of pigeons
Stampede of Japanese tourists
The mafia
Stale roll
Cold shower
Italian stilleto
30 minute wait for the bathroom
The pope's hat (miter)
It's classic when you get things like "It was Elaine in the Grand Canal with a stampede of Japanese tourists," or "The Florentine Biker Dude in the Gelateri with David".
**the result of a really long sugar high