We finished watching Person of Interest over the long weekend. I was holding out for a while because I just didn't want the story to end. However, I'll be on a panel at Arisia discussing the show, so I had to bite the bullet and find out what happened. I'm planning to look at the show from the perspective of long-form storytelling. We'll see how that goes, panels being what they are.
Also in the tv department, I've finally been watching Miss Fisher's. So lovely -- the clothes, the car, the house... It's just fun. Yes, I saw the fan dance.
As so many of us crafty types do, I have a big basket of unfinished projects. Over the past two nights, I buckled down and finished one of them. And now I have a trapunto-quilted tea cozy. Useful and it was one of the items taking up a lot of room. On to the next.
My computer chose last Friday to die. We think it's just the power supply, but it was terribly inconvenient timing. I have no idea when I'll be able to take it in for repair. Fortunately,
newman had a spare ChromeBook, so at least I can do web-based things in the interim.
Albert is, of course, adorable. I don't spend nearly as much time with him as I'd like.
By the way, I'm going to New Mexico in March. Anyone have any recommendations for things to do and see in Albuquerque and/or Santa Fe?
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