Concord grape focaccia last night. We've lost a bunch of the crop by ignoring it, but I'm hoping there's still enough to make
boozy Concord grapes.
After kneading my dough and setting it to rise, I turned toward the kitchen doorway and jumped. There was a big *grey* cat there. I'd seen if before, often hanging around our house. It's clearly *someone's* cat, clean & well-fed, and very friendly, but no collar and it wanders around. It must have wandered in while I brought in the produce delivery. That would mean it had been quietly hanging around downstairs for almost an hour.
I regretfully shooed it out the front door; I'm sure it just wanted some affection. And went to check on Albert, who was catloafing upstairs in the doorway to his room, with no sign that our unexpected visitor had even registered on his radar.