May 05, 2010 12:34
I saw a post about Abolishing the Republican Party in my status updates today. I'm not sure it's wise to get rid of any political party, as it might have a chilling effect on freedom of political speech.
That said, once upon a time (nearly 30 years ago), I joined the young republicans when they were are actually planning ways to deal with social problems. At the time, the Democrats were too busy arguing about which issues were the priority (and accomplishing nothing more than constantly arguing).
Somewhere along the way, the Republicans became the party of the "proud to be stupid" crowd, instead of the "proud to be competent" crowd. They left us behind in the process. I think it was partly due to the neoconservative movement, which Jonah Goldberg (yes, the arch-conservative who wrote Liberal Fascism) calls a truly dark variety of socialist, namely corporatist. You and I would call them fascist, but Goldberg is right. They are also on the left in a different, and much more dangerous way. I also blame the Family for destroying the party as well. (See Jeff Sharlett's book by the same name for details.)
I am a Democrat again, because they are really trying to make things better for the people in this country, instead of building up power for another oligarchy (see the neoconservative policy effect on Russia in Naomi Klein's book, the Shock Doctrine).
That doesn't mean I'm running after the winners. Like I said, once upon a time, the Democrats did to me what they did to Reagan: left me behind. In 2000, the Republican leadership left most of us behind. Given time and the fact that campaign funds are very hard for Republicans to generate now. (Note to Mr. Steele, please continue your pattern of outrageous spending. You are helping clear the decks of idiots, like you and the AssGoblin Boehner, in politics today.) What we should be hoping for is the elimination of dangerously incompetent, utterly deluded people in the positions of leadership in the opposition party. Our country is founded on the idea that the greatest strength of our government is our ability to find common ground between widely differing political positions, and use these ideas to solve our social problems.
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