Why yes I am avoiding the washing up...

May 26, 2009 20:59

Gakked from loads of people. I do love me some procrastination.

Name your 15 absolutely favourite couples (het/slash/canon/fanon) and ask people to see what trends they notice about your couples. Try to pick different fandoms.

So in no particular order (other then me trying to not group fandoms together :P)
1. Trip/Hoshi - Enterprise
2. Garibaldi/Ivanova - Babylon 5
3. Pacey/Joey - Dawson's Creek
4. Harm/Jen - JAG
5. Ziva/McGee - NCIS
6. Alex/Ted - Just Cause
7. Declan/Miranda - Mysterious Ways
8. Kate/John - Atlantis
9. Archer/Reed - Enterprise
10. McKay/Cadman - Atlantis
11. Weir/Beckett - Atlantis
12. T'Pol/Mayweather - Enterprise
13. Weir/Cadman - Atlantis
14. Tony/Abby - NCIS
15. Lorelai/Luke - Gilmore Girls

Ok, ok I caved towards the end and went for the pairings that are still active in me at the moment. There are a load more still floating around the 15th mark, but must play by the rules and all that. :D


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