FIC: First Kisses 2/5

May 26, 2009 10:07

Title: First Kisses 2/5
Author: Merlin's Sister
Rating: G
Disclaimers: The Stargate:Atlantis characters are owned by the almighty MGM. Just borrowing them for a bit of fun. No point in suing me anyway. I work in the public sector.
Pairing: McKay/Cadman
Archive: Just ask.
Spoilers: None
Summary: Their first kiss.
Author's notes: Second in a series of stories for some of my favourite pairings’ first kisses. I meant for them to be all in one drabble post but have decided I just don’t do drabbles. :D All unbetaed so bizarre spelling and grammar all down to me.

“You are insufferable,” yelled Laura in what she hoped was a convincing manner. “Arrogant, annoying and ... arrogant. Incapable of accepting help when you need it. Always think you’re right, even when you’re not. Do you know how annoying that is?”

She waited for the expected response. Something in there must have hit the spot.

“You kissed me,” Rodney said in a slightly stunned voice.

Damn. He’d noticed.

“Yes, because you were being insufferable.”

“You wanted to kiss me because I was being insufferable?” Rodney asked, confusion in his voice.

He would have to be confused about this one thing.

“Yes,” Laura managed. She tried to get out something along the lines of ‘Because it was the only way I could think of to shut you up’. But it wouldn’t come. She hadn’t kissed him to do that. She had kissed him like she had wanted to for a long time. The fact they were mid argument when she had given in to that feeling had merely added a frisson to it all. It was only once she’d realised what had happened that she had gone on the offensive. Fortunately that was a few seconds ahead of Rodney who seemed stuck at the whole ‘you kissed me’ stage.

Laura sighed. “To be honest, Rodney, I want to kiss you a lot of the time.” This statement just seemed to confuse him even further. She pushed herself to continue. “When you’re being annoying, arrogant and insufferable, and usually all three things at once.” She paused, her voice softening when she continued, “But also when you’re being kind, and helpful and supportive, and I suppose just being that complex person that you are.”

“You kissed me,” Rodney stated again in some seeming attempt to get his head around what had happened.

“Yes, I did,” replied Laura with a slight sigh of exasperation. “Any chance we could move beyond that?”

Rodney didn’t say anything, but Laura could almost see his mind working. And for once she really felt she couldn’t predict which way he might go. Which meant that when he moved towards her she started backwards slightly.

“What are you doing?” she demanded.

“I was going to kiss you, if that’s okay,” Rodney replied with a reassuring touch of sarcasm.


He looked at her. “Because you are insufferable, annoying and seem to take great pleasure in getting into my face.” His voice softened. “And because you are kind, loyal, smart, and you get me like no other. Not to mention beautiful. Will that do?”

Laura considered this for a moment before stepping in closer to him.

“We will fight constantly,” she reminded him, as their bodies leaned in towards each other.

Rodney shrugged. “Yes, but think of the making up afterwards.”

As their lips met Laura, for once, conceded he may have a point.

atlantis, mckay/cadman, fic

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