Dear Glee,
I cannot decide whether I'm sad or relieved to see you go. Once upon a time, I was head over heels for you, but you also broke my heart and disappointed me far too many times.
Things I will never forgive you for ...
- Going on for several seasons about how getting married straight out of highschool is a bad idea and then marrying off not one, but two highschool-sweetheart couples (Remember how Kurt and Santana both were the voice of reason when Rachel was determined to marry Finn?)
- The mess you made out of Kurt/Blaine. I admit, it took me a while to warm up to them, because I really liked the idea of Kurt/Mike (before Mike started talking and decided he wanted to be with Tina) and was disappointed when Sam turned out not to be the promised boyfriend (they would have been hilarious together!). But I did like them during their Warbler times, there was a lot of loving cuteness and they deserved some happiness together. Except ... by the end watching them together felt like chewing on sugar-coated leather. I wish you'd let them be once they'd broken up: Kurt/Adam had a lot of potential, why not go down that road? Or whatever, even Kurt/Sebastian might have been more interesting than this mess.
- Never giving Tina a proper storyline.
- Turning the Warblers into ridiculous villains.
- Getting rid of Matt. Getting rid of Lauren.
- Having Karofsky completely disappear after his suicide attempt and then magically have him pop up again as Blaine's boyfriend. Seriously, WTF.
- All the awful soppy heavyhandedness in regard to some of the more serious issues.
- The Glee Project
Things I will never forget ...
- Kurt in a Cheerios uniform
- Mercedes and Kurt being BFFs
- The adorableness of the Hudson-Hummel family
- Grilled Cheesus
- Emma's brochures
- Single Ladies (in fact, the entire Preggers episode)
- Finn in a Red Shower Curtain
- Tina playing a vampire
- Principal Figgins
- Cory Monteith (you did not deserve to go this way)
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