"There are students in my office. Undergraduates!"

Sep 17, 2011 21:22

I have new friends! Hi, new friends! You should know that my journal, like my research, has a very low signal to noise ratio. I talk about school and the weather a lot, and very occasionally things like the genetic reasons why Mpreg can't work IRL and glowing cats. But I have squee, oh so much squee for TSN-related things so if YOU have content you can probably expect me. Also now the friending meme has provided me with many useful gifs. :D

One thing I DO do with any regularity is bookmark fic. I like tagging things. It satisfies my sense of organization when I can't get that from my life.

Anyhow, yay for being sociable in a new fandom! *beams at everybody*

P.S. if you picspam me I will love you forever.

I just got back from eight hours in the lab staring at arrays of magic-eye like images and watching walls of text scroll by in, like, five different shell windows. I feel both virtuous and annoyed, because that was a very productive Saturday! But, Saturday. Stupid science.

My TAship is cramping my schedule as expected, but I'm kind of awesomed by the work ethic of some of my students. I'm pretty sure I was not that on the ball in third year. Go, kids, direct your own learning! Less work for me. They may still be failmonsters on the bench, but that remains to be seen. I think I've sufficiently lowered their expectation w.r.t. how well mutagenesis and PCR work at any time, so any success will be a pleasant surprise!

Other news: It is almost time for the Polaris Music Prize! This is a Big Deal in Canadian independent music i.e. 90% of the music I listen to. There is so much quality this year. I really want Hey Rosetta! to win because they are amazing and my favourites and Tim Baker is my other plaid-wearing Bambi-eyed boyfriend, but I kiiiind of think the odds are with BRAIDS. I am mostly okay with this. Except HeyRo > everybody.

Peace out.

run-on sentence theatre, music, my life is so exciting, flailing, i like tags, squee, hey rosetta!, i want another degree for some reason, andrew garfield what is your everything, the thing about me is i'm kind of a dork, rambly, \o/, fannish, tsn gives me a meta headache, scientific progress goes 'boink'?, i love you all, segues are for the weak

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