
Sep 07, 2011 20:17

LOL, Russell Peters. I liked your joke about Hamilton.

Callum won Best Actor in a Drama! Yay! Cut your hair, Callum.

The only guy Hugh would want to lose to, even if it is the third damn time.

"That's too quick!" Who yells at the walk-off music? Callum does.

Hugh, Callum and Allan Hawco all in suits on stage together? I like.

Hugh to Callum, "You forgot to thank ME." You know the exact tone he used, too. LULZ.

Yay, City and Colour! Not-weaksauce musical guests FTW.

...Man, they need their levels fixed. I can barely hear Dallas over the guitars, and he is not a man of little voice.

Yay, The Rick Mercer Report won best comedy series! ILU, Rick.

ckr, geminis, \o/, hugh dillon, tv

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