Here comes the science!

Sep 18, 2011 16:52

Strange/funny things encountered in fic/the internet:

- A character waking up and attempting to focus his retinas. Sounds painful.

- Liquid nitrogen being kept in a sealed container. Firstly, it's not a bomb, you don't have to be afraid... but it WILL be a bomb if you don't have an outlet for the pressure.

- A spoon, frozen in liquid N2, shattering with a tap. Yes, -170C is very cold, but that doesn't make every material into sugar glass, okay.

- Reference to the Black Death being caused by a virus. Yersinia pestis would like a word.

- An electron micrograph of a virus particle somehow produced by a light microscope in the field. (??!?)

- Watson and Crick discovering DNA.

... And, well, any time mutation comes up in fiction anywhere. But I've become resigned to those shenanigans. Goddamnyousomuch, Marvel. *tiny fist of hate*

i am being a jerk, drive-by, no value, scientific progress goes 'boink'?, hilare, neeeeerd, silly, random, the thing about me is i'm kind of a dork

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