"I can't raft down the river without walkie talkies!"

May 24, 2010 17:41

Hi! So, I was gone for the long weekend, which wasn't long enough, but whatever it's so niiiiiiiiiiice. The weather has gotten very warm, 33C and sunny. I am sunburnt on my ankle and I got bit in the head by a damn blackfly or something while watching the fireworks at the Saugeen River. I'm a sensitive fucking flower; it looks like I'm trying to parthenogenetically grow something out my forehead.

My crazy cousins are back from their four-month boozefest working holiday in Central America. One of them is now pseudo-married to a dude named Fernando, which of course gets the song every time. The other one is making grand plans to go back down there and continue letting everyone think she's a movie star (easy for her, since she's powered by charisma and tiny blonde insanity) and possibly open a sushi hut on a beach someplace.

We stayed up til 4am on Saturday night wandering drunk and trying to stop the movie star from wandering into random parties. I'd say I was getting too old for that shit, except for how I don't think I was ever young enough for it.

Somehow I also ended up with more antique furniture. Go, me.

Ah, May Two-Four. Such a beer holiday. I mean, uh. Long Live The Queen. Yeah.

the famn damily, on the lam, my life is so exciting, drunk, idek

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