It are my birthday!

May 17, 2010 15:59

Hiiiii, all my peoples! Today I turned a whole quarter of a century old! Oooooold. :P *ducks*

I had a lovely weekend with the famn damily and and ate food and went to a movie (Robin Hood, which.... Ridley Scott + Russel Crowe = does what it says on the tin. Not spoilery, is that? Also, Cate Blanchett >>>> everybody.)

I got a few gifties, but it's not a big year yet because most of the monies are being saved for a trip to Newfoundland at the end of July, just my mom and me. \o/ I am waiting for my tax refund, and then I will buy myself all kinds of stuff off the internet.

And tonight, since today is my forreals birthday, I am having MOAR birthday in the form of Thai food. \m/

Also, I have a surfeit of leftover cake, between the weekend at home and the cake at work. *shares*

Ahhh, that's about it. Yay, me?

my life is so exciting, birthdays, \o/, the thing about me is i'm kind of a dork

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