being in control

Oct 08, 2007 19:12

Well I think things are going really good so far. I'm really enjoying my new job. I feel like it's something I am really going to enjoy. I learned to cut film last night. It's not that hard really. The only one there that knows how to do it is the Manager. So since I'm going to be the other manager there she taught me how to do it. And she taught one of the part time associates how to do it as well. She's going to teach or have me teach Miguel as well. He's one of the other part time associates. I'm going to learn how to do scheduling on Thursday and as soon as I am comfortable with opening and closing then I will be training others on how to do it as it's needed.

I think this is going to be really good for me. Finally I will be doing a job I enjoy. Working with photography and with kids. And I will be able to possibly work my way up the ladder there. I was hired as a manager in training. And I am likely going to start off after training as an assistant manager at that location. But there is room for me to go to one of the other locations or stay there and run the place if there is openings.

I lucked out in one way. They have all new staff at that location. No one that has been there more then a few months. So no one seems put out that I was hired off the street so to say as a manager in training instead of one of them being promoted. Plus the fact that they are all part time except the manager. So no one is even eligible to be a manager. They all know I was hired as a manger in training and no one seems to have a problem with it. Which makes it really good. But it can be bad as well as we are going into Christmas season with only one person that has ever done a Christmas season. And she has a staff including another manager who has never worked a Christmas season there so she is a little stressed. Which means I'm going to have to learn fast. I think I can do it though.

I'm pretty confident that I am really going to like this. And that I can do it. It's hopefully going to give me the push I need to put everything else in order. I really want to move out on my own. Actually that's not what I want but it will have to do for now. Maybe I can find a small apartment or 1 or 2bdr house that I can afford in Dartmouth. Jason said he'd look at some places with me this week. It will be nice to have his opinion on if the place is right or not for me. That and I just like the company of having him there. I trust his judgment.

I'm hoping to get him working on my car this week. I don't think it needs anything major but I'd like to get it in good working order. Then I have to get it all cleaned out and washed and waxed. I need to get a MacPass this week as well. I have today, tomorrow and Wednesday off. Today was kinda hard to do anything with the holiday. But I need to get some stuff done tomorrow and Wednesday. I'm off at 3:45 the rest of the week as well so I have the evenings.

I want to start getting ready for Christmas. I need to start getting presents and ideas for presents. I think I know what to get Jason. Or I have a few ideas anyways. I hope he doesn't make it too difficult. I really want a good Christmas. And I really want to get him something he's really going to like. I already got his Birthday taken care of and he has that already since he was there when I got it and I gave it too him right away. I want to take him out for supper but think he might put up a fuss. He doesn't seem to like his Birthday and getting older. Me for some reason I love it. I love getting older. I can't wait till I'm 30. I'm hoping by the time I am 30 I will be in a stable job or career (I think I have that partially taken care of) and I am hoping I will be on my way to a stable relationship. I can see the potential for that as well.

I finally feel like everything is coming together just right. But with that I'm always scared things will come crashing down around me. I guess I just have to take things as they are. And not worry. No matter how much I worry I can't stop bad things from happening so I might as well just turn them into something good or at least not quite as bad.

I can't wait to see what's going to happen next. I feel like I finally have some control over my life.
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