rebcake's birthday today, and I wish her a wonderful one. In addition to having a fine sense of humor and a knack for FITB fic, she also holds the distinction of having made a contribution to
International Phallic Spike Day and being the only person to ever write off-color verse for me! (I think we can dismiss the one I intercepted in eleventh grade that Mark Jarvis wrote about my boobs. From his mortification, I'm guessing that I was probably never meant to see it.)
Spike limericks, however, are a joy forever. As a token of my appreciation, I wanted to try a little something different with doll!Spike. I thought we might abandon our usual photo shoot routine and try baking something: a cake for Rebcake!
Although initially a little resistant to the idea, doll!Spike was just as helpful as could be once he realized that we were doing this for "that bird what wrote the dirty poetry." Courtly, even! Despite my vow to leave the camera out of this project, I had to take just one picture of my special helper.
*facepalm*I was going to do something different this time. I really was. Sadly, once doll!Spike caught a glimpse of the camera, he abandoned his sous-chef duties for the skills that pay the bills. Poor little plastic Lothario! It's all he knows.
We were just getting going with the photo shoot when I left him alone for two minutes (two!) to go fetch some more props, and it finally happened: he got into the bottle of double-strength vanilla extract that I've tried so hard to keep from him since I brought it home from my Iowa trip in July. Stupid vampire totally owes me fifteen dollars. *sigh* I'm sorry. There was supposed to be more, but he's no good to me now. Just look at him!
You know what? This doesn't have to be a total loss. I think I'm just going to shake it out of him back into the bottle; I could re-label it "Vanilla Extract of Vampire" and use it for Halloween baking.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, REBCAKE!! Hope you have a rawkin' good birthday! And watch out for pinatas. ;)