Birthday newsflash!

Sep 18, 2008 08:39

Today is the birthday of the wonderfully clever powerofthebook--intrepid journalist, automobile enthusiast (heh), and one of my favorite writers. (She's not too shabby with the Spaiku, either!) May the upcoming year bring you good times, good stories, and a complete absence of prima donnas. And, as a token of my esteem, may I offer . . .

Ah, look at that--all the news that's unfit to print.

Plastic vampire leers,
holds tiny candle aloft. . .
read all about it.

*facepalm* Believe it or not, this was the most tasteful of doll!Spike's many suggested captions. (The vetoed greeting "I've gotcher headline . . . in my pants" springs vividly and embarrassingly to mind.)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SWEETIE!! Hope you have a lovely day! :D

birthday, doll!fic

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