May 15, 2005 01:22
Part 1:
The Friends of the Prophet.
1. The Wannabes. Ex the Psychic girl harlding for the disciples by influence of a demon(s).
Those who are not called as prophets, but wish they were.
They do not recognize their unique place in the Kingdom.
They misunderstand the role of prophet.
They are looking for something to immitate to gain ministerial prowesse.
They will mimic the "way" of the Prophet.
They will aggrivate the prophet and often they will bring upon themselves the rebuke of God.
Warning to the prophetic: be wary of letting them harold you or cling to you, they need to find their own way, and their own gifts. Remember "The life of the prophet is a lonely one walked out alone quite often"
2. The Gonnabes. Ex Samuel and Eli.
They will only act under the direction of God and their mentor.
They make mistakes.
They are learning to hear the voice of God.
They are the genuine article, and are attested to my the Spirit.
They will not mimic their mentor, but they may resemble them at times.
For the truly prophetic, mimicry is the same as mockary, and to mock God can be fatal.
They are there to learn and recieve as much as they can from their mentor.
True servents will work as hard as they can for their master, Prophets must first learn to be servents before they can speak for the Master.
The "up and commings" cannot fully grasp the burden for themselves, but they do see the effects on their mentors and that helps prepair them for the weight of the Word.
Thoughts for the prophetic, "Who schooled you? There is no one who can say they taught you My Ways" Or His words.
3. The Wastelands. Ex The Widow and the pots overflowing with Oil.
These people have the purest motive, they want to know the will of God.
These people will seek out the blessing and care of the prophet in their time of need.
These people have childlike faith.
These are the poor and helpless those who have real needs for the power of God.
They desperatly need the Word oF God.
They are not always ready for the blessing but always desire it.
They honor the prophet and because of the favor of the Lord.
Thoughts for the Prophetic, "May you always be a wasteland before Me."Never think yourself greater than the wastelands you are attempting to help through Gods words and loveing counsil.
Thought for the day:
Prophets may not have many friends, but those they have are cherished and blessed. The life may be lonesome as far as humanity is conscerned, but you are as "closer" to God as many wish to be. The heartbeat of God is the love of His children...let Him love you. ~M~