Drabble: Bandaging Wounds

May 20, 2010 17:20

Title: Bandaging Wounds
Author: mercury_pheonix 
Characters/Pairings: Jack, Gwen, Ianto, Tosh, Owen (hinted at Jack/Ianto)
Rating: G
Challenge: tw100 : Challenge #152 Science Hero
Summary: The deaths of Tosh and Owen leave a gaping wound in the Torchwood team...

Bandaging Wounds

Tosh and Owen were the only ones on the team with any technical skills.

It struck home when Gwen nearly killed herself trying to disable volatile alien technology. The fear in her eyes, the panic as the bomb ignited…

They needed a new technician.

It struck home when they'd had to sew up Ianto’s wounds without anaesthetic. The clutching of his fingers on Jack’s shirt, his pain muffled on Jack’s shoulder…

They needed a new medic.

But Jack didn’t replace them.

Without substitutes, the spirits of Tosh and Owen remained a constant presence.

That held them together better than bandages or wires.  

torchwood, ianto jones, gwen cooper, jack harkness, toshiko sato, owen harper, fanfiction, drabble

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