"We're not in Kansas any more" challenge

Aug 05, 2010 21:25

Title: Carter
Rating: PG
Word Count: 318
Genre: Romance/Angst
Summary: He writes to her because he cannot show her... (Jack/Sam)
Author's Note: Written for the "We're not in Kansas any more" challenge at stargateland.


Title: Dear Elizabeth
Rating: PG
Word Count: 329
Genre: General/Humour
Summary: John is keeping an eye on 'Lantis while Elizabeth is gone. Well, he tries to...
Author's Note: Written for the "We're not in Kansas any more" challenge at stargateland.

Dear Elizabeth

tv pairing: sam/jack, tv show: stargate sg-1, tv show: stargate atlantis, tv pairing: elizabeth/john (sparky), mercy: fanfiction, misc: stargateland

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