Stargate Atlantis | Dear Elizabeth [John/Elizabeth]

Aug 05, 2010 21:07

Title: Dear Elizabeth
Author: Mercy
Rating: PG
Word Count: 329
Genre: General/Humour
Summary: John is keeping an eye on 'Lantis while Elizabeth is gone. Well, he tries to...
Author's Note: Written for the "We're not in Kansas any more" challenge at stargateland.
Disclaimer: I own neither the show nor the characters. I don’t earn any money with this piece. I just do it for fun.

Dear Elizabeth,

come back. Please, please come back. Nothing can be more important than my sanity. If the IOA wants to talk to you in the future, they will have to do it via screen.

I am going crazy and you're not even gone two days.

Rodney and Zelenka are doing Something with the light system to improve the Whatever which I think is a really bad idea. Remember the Christmas light incident? If my instincts are right (and they usually are) Atlantis will be blown up if they keep going. But are they listening to me, Elizabeth? No, of course not!

Ronon and Teyla are busy putting up a training schedule which sounds more like a Gladiator-style Knock-Out Fight than an actual training session. (You told me I would regret showing them the movie one day. You were right.) When I told them we would like our men to be alive and not half-dead, Ronon offered me to go against him in the first round to show the guys that it really was "just training". I have bruises all over my body!

Carson is turning into Dr. Frankenstein. Don't you roll your eyes, Elizabeth, he is! The Something that Rodney did to the Whatever changed the light in the infirmary from white to green. Our beloved Doctor is having the time of his life doing all sorts of experiments with the plants from the latest mission because the plants have different reaction to the new light color. Some of them are growing and Carson is declaring them alive. And me a spoilsport!

You see, Elizabeth, Atlantis is breaking apart without you. You better tell Caldwell to turn the Daedalus around right now and come back to Atlantis. I am not going to survive the next few weeks.

Your slowly but surely going insane military commander,


P.S. Since my wish won't be fulfilled, I demand compensation in form of the newest DVDs, chocolate and sci-fi books. Thank you.

- END -

tv: stargate atlantis, pairing: john/elizabeth

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