Sep 08, 2011 22:02
(cross-posted to Plan Survive)
Recently, PB (aged 5) and LB (aged nearly 3) have been liking to have their bedtime stories together. PB is getting a bit old for picture books and is starting to want longer books that you read a chapter or two out of each night. The grown-ups like it too because there's no repetition! We've been reading 'My Naughty Little Sister' which they have both loved, but we're nearly at the end of the book. What should we try next?
I know there are more books in the Naughty Little Sister series but a) I'd rather try something else and b) I find the moral tenor a bit uncomfortable so I don't want to spend too much time in that universe. Absolutely ideally, it would have an illustration on every page, as LB likes to have a picture to look at. We have tried an abridged version of the Just So Stories and a parentally-abridged version of Winnie-the-Pooh but those are too complex for LB. I think the same would apply to Alice in Wonderland, or The Hobbit or any of those other classics (and also be too scary, possibly for PB too). I wondered about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, which a peer of PB's is loving, but again I think it might be too wordy and insufficiently pictorial for LB.
What 'proper' books would you suggest for a very young readership?