(no subject)

Jul 04, 2014 16:24

My mother had her surgery yesterday, and it went well. Doctor removed tumor, assorted extraneous organs (uterus, remaining ovary). My mom will be in the hospital for a few more days and then recover further at home. She may or may not be less cranky, we'll see. I shouldn't begrudge her her crankiness, but she's mean to the dog when she gets crabby and I don't appreciate that particularly. The dog's brain power is comprised of a couple of squirrels swinging a bird feeder back and forth. He doesn't know what "mean" is.

As much as possible (dependent on schedule and whether or not a quorum of players is achieved) I've been going down to Quincy on Saturdays for street hockey. The trip is actually getting to be pretty routine - 70 to Central, red line to Quincy Center, 214/216 to Hough's Neck and the rink. It's long, but it's routine and not particularly anxiety-provoking which is a really nice feeling. I am sure that (now that summer is properly here) the other passengers don't appreciate my presence on the way home (my goalie equipment, even just the mask and catcher as it is, is particularly potent). But whatever.

I feel like I need less ativan these days, I am less bothered by things and more secure in my daily life. This is an exceptionally pleasant feeling.

This guy CL is trying to put together a street pickup at a new rink in Watertown, which would be so much closer and very nice. I might try to weasel my dad into getting me some used pads for my birthday - I got my mask and my glove at play-it-again-sports for about $90 total (most of which was the mask) and I think I could find a chest/arm, blocker, and leg pads for ~$200. The guy in Watertown said he has some leg pads I could use which would be good, maybe I could buy them off him, I got the impression he wasn't using them at this time. (old or outgrown maybe).

Work is going well. Last week I had a horde of kids both days - 13 on one day and 10 on the other. Technically, I am only supposed to be in charge of 7 at one time, but the way it works at other clubs where parents sign up the day before for daycare is not how it works here. (because babysitting hasn't been overly popular here I guess). So there's no real way to turn away parents and kids who drop in. I handled it with no problems, and it's really not that bad when the kids are in a similar age range. The day with 13 kids was hard because we had two babies (an 8 month old and a 16 month old) and a bunch of 3-5 year olds, a couple of whom are particularly demanding of my attention. Like, kid, I can't carry you around the room, I have to make sure the babies don't eat the crayons, ok? (and also, no, I can't play with you just this second, I am trying to soothe a crying baby while getting the cap off the walking-baby's bottle.) I do not envy parents at all. I like kids but I would not be able to do this twenty-four/seven. More power to you who can.

In additional news, my tumblrfriend George is coming to visit next week! It's like a two-week birthday present. I will spend Monday with Nikki at the beach, and having cake, and going to the radio show, and then George is arriving Wednesday and we're going to adventure (in between the few days I have to work). It will be most exciting. He is from Albuquerque so this will be quite a climate change.
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