Little help for a friend

Aug 10, 2014 22:51

So I've told you all about my friend George.

He's a great guy and we've adopted him and plan to kidnap him when he finishes paramedic school, except there's been kind of a snag, and UNM is shaking him down to the tune of over a thousand bucks due to a financial aid malfunction. This is a serious problem because if he can't pay them by the end of the month, that means no paramedic school which means no paramedic George which means we can't kidnap him.

For real, this has been a long-term goal for George for a long, long time (just look at him in that pic, cosplaying Roy DeSoto of Emergency! like a boss) and he's perfect for the job, level-headed and quick and compassionate and everybody you want in a crisis.

We've set up a Fundraising Page for George to help him out, and if you could spare a few bucks his way or just spread the word, that'd be awesome. He's a sweet, geeky guy who just wants to make his way in the world.

( also, here's the Tumblr post, in case you're on that platform and want to signal boost that way. )
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