[And dated to pretty much coincide with Haruhi's entry.]
I can't believe we-
I really-
How did I- er... Why did- well...
I am so dead. They're going to find out, and they're going to kill me. The Doctor, Donna, Dr. Cuddy, Lockon, Tieria...ohgod, so many people. They'll take turns killing me.
I'm so sorry I didn't make it to see you earlier, but I couldn't come without having everything and having it be absolutely perfect! I love you as Romeo loved Juliet, and so...
*Kyon's glad he's kept some idea of the layout of Princeton Plainsboro. Still, it takes him longer than he would like to admit to get to Haruhi's room.
He pokes his head into the room while knocking on the sliding glass door, giving a small smile to the occupant.*