Who: Aya and anyone else who enjoys alcohol and hilarity.
What: Aya finally got around to finding the bar, and is now drinking like there is no tomorrow. Or next week. Or next month.
When: Early afternoon until closing time.
Where: The bar.
Warnings: Possible violence and tomfoolery by a drunken Tengu.
It's not like there was much else to do with her money, anyway. )
Comments 83
So I don't think I got around to asking before, but what the hell ARE you?
It's good to see that even in such circumstances, the Bard was ever the ladies man.
Oh well, no point in fussing over details. She smiled amiably. "I'm a Tengu."
Question two. What's a Tengu?
The last time he'd dealt with a kid drinking it had been the hyperactive blonde kid who insisted on calling him Daddy and that night had ended in his playing baby sitter. It had been a damned headache and not one he wanted to repeat anytime soon.
(( OOC: Lol, she thinks Kuro's a bouncer just from the look he gave her or what? XD;; ))
As he approached the bar, for reasons that could only be attributed to a combination of alcohol and Tengu nature, Aya whipped out her camera and took a picture of the scowling Kurogane.
There was nothing particular noteworthy about Grif being present at the bar. The tubby, orange-armored soldier was a very frequent patron, and, in fact, was probably present at the bar more frequently now than he was when he had actually been employed there.
No, there was absolutely nothing unusual about Grif's presence at the bar.
...Except for how he had a 15-year-old girl in tow this time.
"So, yeah, this is the bar here," he explained to Yuki, giving the room a sweeping gesture. "It's all pretty standard stuff. The strippers are pretty lame, but the booze is good and that's what we're here for."
Grif paused for a moment, before turning to look closely at Yuki. "Seriously, stay the fuck away from the strippers. They're both bad news."
However, she was brought back to earth by Grif issuing a warning. "Understood."
He looked back towards Yuki, mostly to check that she hadn't managed to get lost in the crowd, before commenting, almost more to himself than to her, "Hmm, maybe we should start with something a little weaker than the scotch."
Oh. It was just a helmet. Not his head.
She turned back to the bar and began to look through the various types of alcohol they had. She made no sign of hearing Grif's comment, as she wasn't entirely sure what alcohol to start with either.
Somewhere in the interim between then and around 9pm, though, things changed, for better or for worse was up to anyone.
"BWAA HAA HAA HAA HAAAAAA~!" he bellowed heartily, doing something between the cha-cha and the Chicken Dance along the length of the bar, someone's business tie affixed around his head like a poor man's headband, fluttering through the air. An empty beer glass was clutched in one of his hands. For all the commotion and wild movements he was making, he never actually bumped into anything or tripped, for some reason.
((An AMV for the occasion:
She was still new here, and she still didn't know many people around. A bar would certainly be one way of meeting new people. On the other hand, she didn't have any money, so drinking was out of the question, and she stood out like a sore thumb with towering wings. Tonight, though, was a night for common sense to be thrown out the window, and so Nina entered the bar.
...and immediately upon entering, she found that it was entirely possible that she would not stick out.
He frolicked over gaily to the vision with exotic wings sprouting from her back, and leaned against the back of some random person sitting at the bar, striking a clumsy but attempting-to-be sexy-and-manly pose. "Please, forgive me... I saw you from across the room, and couldn't take my eyes off you. Are you new? Let me buy you a drink," he said in a baritone both syrupy and cheesy; not a good combination.
She narrowed her eyes slightly, both at the incredibly cheesy voice, the offer of a drink, and the fact that he was leaning someone into the bar. At least one of those things weren't quite as bad as the other. "If you insist, you may."
He left the bar with a glass of scotch and moved his eyes across the lively crowd. The first thing he spotted was a young girl sitting next to a dangerous-looking pile of empties glasses. He wondered if he should ask.
While she waited for it to arrive, Aya idly spun around on her stool, because the alcohol's adverse effects on her sense of balance made this a much more exciting activity than it should have been. So exciting, in fact, that around the fourth revolution, she lost her balance completely, falling off the stool.
However, Aya didn't hit the ground. In her surprise, she reflexively hovered to a halt, floating about a foot off the floor, facing the ceiling. Taking a moment to get her bearings and figure out which way was up again, she floated back onto her stool as if nothing had happened.
He moved over to her, curiosity peaked. "Are you all right? I saw you fall, but then..."
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