Insomnia Rampant

Dec 10, 2011 14:17

the i n s o m n i a meme

It happens to everyone - sometimes, you have nights where you just can't fall asleep, no matter what you do. It could be for a number of reasons, or no reason at all. And this is what's happened now: you've been laying in bed for what feels like hours, just tossing and turning, and nothing seems to help. So what's left to do ( Read more... )

love-affection, shipping-romance, fluff, rated: r, rated: pg13

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Comments 1611

Rose Tyler | Doctor Who | Open huffpuffblonde December 10 2011, 19:18:46 UTC
03. rebelledforyou December 11 2011, 07:38:07 UTC
The angel had never experienced human sickness. He had seen it take hold and watched it cripple many people, but he never experienced it first hand. Turning human came with all the problems of being human. Vulnerability. He was constantly vulnerable. He was starting to get worried. Would he be able to survive in this world without any help from the Heavens? It was scary.

He was sick. The flu is Rose had said. He didn't even know how it felt until now. It was horrible. He felt like he was wasting away. He had learned first hand how to bow to the porcelain god. If that didn't bring humility he didn't know what would.

He had taken up most of the bed during the day. He forced her to actually go to work a few times just because it wasn't fair for him to be that much of a child about it. He was currently curled up under blankets in just his boxers. He was hugging a box of tissues as well. It wasn't good.


huffpuffblonde December 11 2011, 07:46:18 UTC
She was worried about him- then again, when wasn't she?- but now, especially so. His first bout with the flu, she really didn't want to leave him home alone. After the first two days, though, he practically shoved her out the door. Well, shoved in the form of frail, shriveled sickness, but a shove nonetheless ( ... )


rebelledforyou December 11 2011, 08:03:17 UTC
Tissues definitely were one of the finer human inventions. They were marvelous. His nose was severely irritated by using them constantly, but they were good enough for him. They had become his lifeline in this sea of illness. Well that and this bed. He was never going to leave this bed.

He did however jerk a little when he heard her voice. He was running a fever and he was jumpy at just about everything. The people outside. The people who ran in the hallways. It all felt like it was going to make his head bust open.

"Hello." His voice was soft and he made no attempt to sit up and be civil. He was tired and he felt horrible. Big baby Castiel.


yuuta matsukawa | oc | ota meitori December 10 2011, 19:21:17 UTC

Sam Winchester - Supernatural second_son83 December 10 2011, 19:22:43 UTC
02 - Howdyhowdy huffpuffblonde December 10 2011, 19:30:50 UTC
Admittedly, being well past two in the morning, it was a little unusual to be holed up in the tiny diner on the hotel's bottom floor, but the people running the place didn't seem to mind as long as she paid for the food. She's slumped over a plate of chips on one of the stools at the high counter, head propped up on one hand, staring blankly at a clock on the wall.


Hey there! second_son83 December 10 2011, 20:08:03 UTC
Honestly, he couldn't stand Dean's snoring anymore. Oddly enough on most nights it would put him right to sleep. But tonight it just kept him awake and staring at the ceiling wasn't helping either. By the 18th time he looked at the clock, it finally said two and his stomach decided it was food time. Sam remembered that there was a small but well graded diner on the first floor and decided to give it a shot. He got himself dressed and left a note for Dean that said Down stairs getting food. Got my phone. just in case the elder Winchester woke up and started freaking out, and considering Dean's previous freak outs when Sam disappeared, was highly likely.

Sam headed down to the high counter and sat a few seats away from the blonde girl who looked to be the only other occupant of the diner. Ordering a turkey club and an iced-tea he glanced over at the young woman sitting down from him.


A friend and I have been talking with the person that plays your brother! =D huffpuffblonde December 10 2011, 20:14:43 UTC
She poked at her chips with a fork, more nudging them around her plate than anything. She was't particularly hungry, but chips were comfort food and she couldn't sleep. She wasn't really expecting anyone else to bother coming down, this place was small, not exactly a hot spot, it probably didn't have a vast selection of guests or paying customers.

That, combined with the fact that it was past two in the morning made her glance over in interest at the newcomer. She caught the tail end of his look and glanced away again. She should say hello, be friendly, do something that probably wouldn't be construed as creepy given the time of night.

"Can't sleep?" That's right, Rose. Nosiness is the best way to make friends.


Zatanna Zatara || Young Justice be_chalant December 10 2011, 19:26:08 UTC
ohhhh haaayyyy bby. and i rolled a 2. hackintheaster December 11 2011, 01:10:33 UTC
[Normally, when Robin is awake in the middle of the night it's because he's already awake. And has been awake, either one of his all night video game marathons or patroling with Batman. When he falls asleep, he usually has no problem staying asleep, seeing as sleep is hard to come by in his line of work.]

[Yet here he was, awake after a few hours of sleep, hungry. More than just hungry, starving. So starving that falling back asleep was impossible.]

[Therefore he decided to remedy the problem - get up and make something. He was careful, his special ninja-skills quite helpful in getting out of his room and to the kitchen without a sound, but of course as soon as he opened the cabinet all hell broke loose. And by hell, he means multiple pans - too many for him to catch all at once.]

[Once the ringing in his ears stopped, he waited. He didn't even breathe. Surely that wasn't as loud as he thought it was...]


fancy seeing you here ^_~ be_chalant December 12 2011, 00:42:05 UTC
[It was a wonder nobody else had woken up; even Artemis was still passed out across the room. Was this a regular occurance? Had they all just gotten so used to each other making noise as...what was it... 3:12 in the morning?]

[Oh, that's it. Whoever this was was feeling the full wrath of Zatanna.]

[She threw on her lavender robe over the black spaghetti strap and dark purple pajama shorts, not bothering to tie it off, and headed out for where she knew the kitchen to be.]

[When she appeared in the doorway, however, mouth already open to deliver a verbal beat-down...she froze.]


[She had been expecting Wally. Or M'gann. Or even Captain Marval. He was always hanging around, wasn't he?]

Don't tell me the kitchenware's finally decided to retaliate. I knew it was only a matter of time.


maybe i'm just stalking you~ hackintheaster December 13 2011, 06:58:23 UTC
[Crap. Of course someone was going to wake up, what with his kitchenware-rock-show he had going on.]

[Okay, you can do this Robin. Play it cool.]

[He stood back up, grinning up at her real big and shrugging. Whoops?]

I'm no match when the spaghetti strainer and the frying pan decide to team-up against me. I know my limitations.


Zion Liddell | Crimson Shell | jetrosefailure December 10 2011, 19:30:54 UTC

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