Insomnia Rampant

Dec 10, 2011 14:17

the i n s o m n i a meme

It happens to everyone - sometimes, you have nights where you just can't fall asleep, no matter what you do. It could be for a number of reasons, or no reason at all. And this is what's happened now: you've been laying in bed for what feels like hours, just tossing and turning, and nothing seems to help. So what's left to do ( Read more... )

love-affection, shipping-romance, fluff, rated: r, rated: pg13

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huffpuffblonde December 11 2011, 07:46:18 UTC
She was worried about him- then again, when wasn't she?- but now, especially so. His first bout with the flu, she really didn't want to leave him home alone. After the first two days, though, he practically shoved her out the door. Well, shoved in the form of frail, shriveled sickness, but a shove nonetheless.

She spent the first half of the day pacing, and the second half tapping a pencil against her desk and staring at the clock. She even called Jackie on lunch, begging the woman for some assistance. Her mum was brilliant, and she left work twenty minutes early to swing by and pick up some chicken soup like she used to make when Rose was sick as a child. She deflected most of the interrogation, though, under the premise that it was urgent and she had to go. Which was mostly true.

She got home at fifteen past five, dropped her bag by the door and shucked off her coat, took a container of soup to the stove to heat, and finally made it back to his bedroom at five-thirty, only to seem him curled up in a ball, clinging to Mister Kleenex like his life depended on it. He looked miserable.



rebelledforyou December 11 2011, 08:03:17 UTC
Tissues definitely were one of the finer human inventions. They were marvelous. His nose was severely irritated by using them constantly, but they were good enough for him. They had become his lifeline in this sea of illness. Well that and this bed. He was never going to leave this bed.

He did however jerk a little when he heard her voice. He was running a fever and he was jumpy at just about everything. The people outside. The people who ran in the hallways. It all felt like it was going to make his head bust open.

"Hello." His voice was soft and he made no attempt to sit up and be civil. He was tired and he felt horrible. Big baby Castiel.


huffpuffblonde December 11 2011, 08:07:25 UTC
She shot him a sympathetic look- or rather, she shot his pile of blankets a sympathetic look, and moved to sit beside him on the bed, balancing a tray precariously on her lap. She threaded her fingers through his hair. "Get any sleep?"

Hopefully he would after he ate. He'd been puking the last few days, sipping on water and nibbling on crackers when she could force him to. The puking should nearly be over, but he needed something to eat, regardless. Undernourishment and dehydration only made it worse. Besides, the things her mum stuffed in this soup ought to help him sleep, settle his stomach enough to let him.


rebelledforyou December 11 2011, 08:14:13 UTC
She really was wonderful. She had been taking fantastic care of him during all of this. Being sick was one of the worst experiences he had to go through. The only thing that beat it? Being stabbed with the angel killing blade. That was right up there as well. This being sick stuff was a lot harder than he anticipated. Being human was hard.

He turned his head a little to look at her. Her fingers felt nice in his hair. It was the little things he really appreciated. "Little bit. Your neighbors talk very loudly. They also do not respond well to a man in his boxers asking them to keep it down. Not polite." He eyed the soup bowl and raised a brow. "What is that?"


huffpuffblonde December 11 2011, 08:22:30 UTC
She'd really have to talk to him about walking around the building in his boxers. Maybe she'd get him a robe or something. Her neighbors were going to think she was a harlot, shacking up with a man. Doesn't help that her neighbors had kids. Nobody wants a guy in his underwear hanging out around their kids, no matter how polite and good-intentioned.

She shifted, adjusting the blankets around him, nudging him to sit. "This is my mum's soup. She used to make it for me when I had the flu, I asked her to make some for you. It'll make you feel better. Up up."

She might also get something to drown out the noise. Not everyone was used to flats. Maybe a fan.


rebelledforyou December 11 2011, 08:39:11 UTC
Soup. He'd had soup before. He wasn't sure how this soup make someone actually feel better. Unless they put some sort of medication in the soup which might not be great. Drugging ones child was generally frowned upon. He was not sure what was in this and it was kind of worrying him.

He did sit up though and give her a sort of terrified look. What could be in the soup? Magic? No. She wasn't the type. He tilted his head and watched her. "What is in it?"


huffpuffblonde December 11 2011, 08:48:02 UTC
Ha. Let him tell her mum the soup was magic, he'd be her new favorite person. It definitely wasn't drugged, be it by magic or actual drugs.

She shifted beside him, passing the tray over to sit in his lap. "Secret recipe. Nothing weird, I promise. Just chicken, noodles, vegetables. Herbs and spices, natural stuff, really good for you, and hopefully it'll put you to sleep."

She couldn't help but grin a little at his terrified look, and darted in to kiss his cheek. She'd be more worried about catching it, but after a certain amount of time exposed to a certain radiation emitted by a certain time and space machine, it was really difficult for her to catch anything. "Just trust me."


rebelledforyou December 11 2011, 09:06:51 UTC
"I will." He smiled and looked down at the soup in his lap. He picked up the spoon and dunked it under the broth. He lifted it up and to his mouth with a spoonful of vegetables and broth. He shoveled it in and swallowed after some chewing. He looked over at her and nodded.

"It's very good. You're mother is a good cook." He took another spoonful. It was good and for once his stomach didn't flip flop when he swallowed it.


huffpuffblonde December 11 2011, 09:17:24 UTC
She tugged her knees up to her chest, wrapped her arms around them, and rested her chin on top, watching him for a bit to see the reaction. She smiled when he seemed to accept it, and shifted her gaze to the blankets. Hadn't gotten much sleep while he was sick. She ran to the bathroom when he had to, with cool rags or medicine, mostly stayed up, and man, was she tired.

"Tell her that. She'll love you forever." She commented with a touch of humor. "Just don't overdo it if you start to feel questionable. It should help, though, getting something in you."


rebelledforyou December 11 2011, 09:35:30 UTC
His head bowed and he smiled to himself at that. He'd like to meet her. He was under the impression that it was important to make close connections to a friend's loved ones. She was more than a friend though so he wanted to try to meet them and see how that went. He had heard so much about these people and he was very curious as to how they'd react to him. Maybe not as well as Rose.

"Thank you." He continued to eat in silence. To be honest it tasted very good and he was content to just eat it in silence. He did pause for a moment to look at her. He reached next to him and picked up the tissue box to move it. "You should lay down."


huffpuffblonde December 11 2011, 09:47:35 UTC
She'd introduce them, at some point, after more time had passed, after she had a chance to mention him to her mum more than flu sickness, after... after she was certain what exactly it was they were.

She started to protest, she wanted to stay up and keep an eye on him, but he seemed to be doing just fine with the soup, so she nodded, shifting to slide under the blankets. He was warm, probably a bit too much due to the fever, but it felt nice. She didn't intend to sleep, just... rest. "Let me know when you're done."


rebelledforyou December 11 2011, 10:24:57 UTC
He glanced at her a couple of times as he ate. He didn't want to disturb her. He wanted her to get some rest. She had been right along side him through everything. She needed to get some rest. He could handle this on his own for a few hours. He had to learn eventually right?

After another few minutes it was just his spoon clanging against the wall as he got all he could with it. He put the spoon into the bowl and looked over at her.


huffpuffblonde December 11 2011, 10:30:43 UTC
She was curled up on her side, eyes closed, one arm stuffed under the pillow and breathing quietly. Not quite asleep yet, but definitely getting there. She shifted when she realized he was still, and peeked an eye open to check on him. She smiled tiredly.

"Fancy a nap?"


rebelledforyou December 11 2011, 10:41:23 UTC
She looked like she needed one. In this condition he could probably sleep at just about any time. She didn't even have to really ask cause he would have joined her without question eventually. He did nod though and grip the tray. "I would like a nap."

He managed to get out from under the blankets and onto his feet. He was a little wobbly on his feet, but he could carry the tray into the kitchen. He got to the door and had to pause. He decided the dresser worked until they had both rested. He put the tray down and made his way to the bed. He slid back in and moved in next to her. "Not as stable as I thought."


huffpuffblonde December 11 2011, 10:50:36 UTC
She started to sit up, shifted a bit onto her elbow in concern as he headed toward the door, and nodded softly when he put the tray down. She hadn't really expected him to get it, she would've done if he'd asked. "It's alright. I'll get it later. Come here, shaky."

She patted the bed beside her, then curled gently against him when he finally settled back in. She didn't want to cling too tightly, in case he felt sick or got too hot, but he was lovely, and warm, and she was tired, and she closed her eyes resting her head on his arm.

"I hope you feel better," she murmured, softly, against his skin.


rebelledforyou December 11 2011, 11:10:09 UTC
Shaky. That was cute. The nicknames didn't bother him as he had thought they might. Nicknames from Crowley or anyone else really god to the angel. He could tolerate a few from Dean and Sam, but he hardly understood what they were actually referring to. That one actually made sense to him. It was probably corny, but at least it made sense.

He'd be fine with her close. He could untangle if he was forced to. She could be as close as she wanted or as far as she wanted. He was getting used to mad dashes to the restroom or body temperature fluctuations. He smiled and awkwardly craned his head downward to kiss the top of her head. "I do too."


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