Nov 26, 2009 19:35
If you are reading this brief missive, you are part of the Abundance with which I have been Blessed and for which I am truly grateful. I know that CFIDS requires me to do my best Claude Rains impersonation on these boards most of the time, but do not mistake my poor correspondence for disaffection and disinterest. Surpassed only by
the Wife and Boy, you are all my best beloved and you are what keep me going. I thank all my Gods, and all of yours, for your presence in my life, however strained but never severed.
As we gather around this, our cyber-table, at many times, and in many places, connected by threads of pixels, electricity, and most strongly affection, I hope for you all to feel as blessed with Abundance as I feel today. All of my material bounty pales when compared to the wealth I see before me every time I log on.
Brightest of blessings to you and all those whom you hold dear, tonight and every night.