This speaks to much of why I despise Democrats today - why I call them vermin, scum - why I can have no respect for them. They are now a cult of sheep. They once believed in something. Now they do not, and the Democrat voter can only drool and support "the team" even when the team is lawless, corrupt, and fails to accomplish any of its promises. Even the small number of them who can and bother to try to think are willing to accept every excuse for why the party can never accomplish what it pretends are its goals.
Joe Piscopo is waking up.
"From where I’m standing, the party has largely abandoned its commitment to civil rights and instead allows race-baiters to be national power brokers. As spokesman for the Boys and Girls Clubs of New Jersey, I am hurt that there is not one Democrat in Washington who cares enough about the great inner cities of this country to help those in dire distress from poverty and crime. These cities are in worse shape than those countries from which all those illegal “children” crossing our borders daily are coming.
In my home state, if I can walk the streets of Camden to try to help the disenfranchised, why can’t the Democrat in the White House walk the South Side of his hometown and do the same? In terms of caring for the working class, it seems as though Democrats are more interested in catering to the special interests, such as the trial lawyers, lobbyists and George Soros who fund their campaigns - rather than fighting for small-business relief to allow a higher minimum wage or (God forbid) middle-class tax relief."
Joe Piscopo’s confessions of a disillusioned Democrat