A look inside the female progressive mind

Aug 22, 2014 00:06

Bask in this moment of pure Orwellian doublethink.
"And no, Drax and Star-Lord being shirtless doesn’t count as a male objectification. They’re propped up as an admirable, desireable male physique, whereas Nebula and Gamora’s skin-tight, revealing outfits sexualize them."
Just mull that over for a while. Go back. Reread. Bask.

It's just some of the fun.

The moral of my posting this is, of course, progressives never stop. Ever. They will always be standing there, outraged and counting quotas "for the [victims]", or outraged and claiming they are victims. They will always find a problem, and you can't argue it because objecting to their feelings is bigotry. Enable any of this at your own peril. One day you'll thought crime, too.

Guardians of the Galaxy, We Need to Talk

Some more of her droppings, along with my thoughts, after the cut.

"stop having male characters call other male characters bitches, as if it were the worst thing one man could call one another. Having a man take a term that represents a certain kind of person - in this case, a headstrong, independent woman who doesn’t take shit from anyone - "

Bitch means female dog, you clueless twat.

I can say twat now, because apparently it now means - a powerful, cool woman who stands up for herself. Why does it mean that? I don't know. But since that bitch above thinks dictionaries don't matter, what the heck.

"It’s been argued that Gamora is the real star of the movie, and I’m inclined to agree. But, of course, it can’t really be Gamora’s movie because that would mean having a woman protagonist instead of a handsome white dudebro. "

She AGREES, yet marches bravely on in contradiction.

Imagine what it must be like in that brain. I bet she's a member of Geeks for CONsent and ihollaback (holy owned subsidiaries of George Soros). Or will be.

"Marvel should be ashamed for wasting the phenomenal Glenn Close on such an ineffectual role."

Apparently WORLD FAMOUS actresses, headstrong, independent women who doesn’t take shit from anyone, have no say in the roles they choose to take.

Forever victims.

"Andrew Wheeler at Comics Alliance pointed out that “if Marvel makes Thor 3 before it makes Black Panther, it will have made ten movies headlined by blond white men named Chris before it makes one movie headlined by someone who isn’t even white [or female, or LGBTQIA].”"

WOOHOO! "QUIA!" Nutjob supreme!

Here, bitch, I'll fix this for you...
"“if Marvel makes Thor 3 before it makes Black Panther, " it will WANT TO MAKE MONEY.

"In the beginning, she makes her own choice; in the prison, the male characters decide what to do with her body. In the former, she has all the agency; in the latter she’s a sexual object."

"Do this?"


"At worst, [calling a woman a whore as a punchline to a joke] reinforces rape culture by attempting to make it funny that women should be thought of only in terms of a straight male’s sexual appetite."

I can't even make sense of this.

I think "reinforces rape culture" might just be the feminist loon version of "RACIST!"

"I’m not calling for a boycott of Guardians of the Galaxy, or even suggesting it’s a bad movie. As I said earlier, I really enjoyed the overall film experience. "

She ENJOYED the movie. And did this to it.

Imagine being in her brain. So endeth the lesson.

pc, feminism

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