Review of Lost episode "The Lighthouse"

Feb 24, 2010 21:25

The past two weeks have been quite....interesting....from my never-ending cough to other things I don't tend to discuss in a public post. Thankfully my cough is now decreasing and I only have coughing fits now and then at work. When the craziness of life gets to me I'm quite thankful to the entertainment industry for the escape. When I have the time I've been watching my cartoons to dramas. Sorry for the lame exposition introduction paragraph sometimes i ramble, and I get carried away lol.

Alas, this post is about the recent Lost episode "Lighthouse". This episode has to be one of my favorite Jack centric episodes, and Matthew Fox really shined in this episode in both timelines.

2007 Timeline

Jack, Hurley, Jacob, & The Lighthouse - Poor guy is having one hell of a time, and due to the people that died on his decisions he is losing faith in himself a bit. Which is completely understandable, but I love that Jacob (which granted he is malipulative but I do hope he is good), Sayid, and Hurley haven't lost faith in him. What I always loved on Lost is that the treks to a certain location are never boring. Last week Sawyer's trek was tense since he was travelling with Fake!Locke whereas this week Jack and Hurley's trek to The Lighthouse was insightful by giving Jack a chance to talk about his feelings and emotions without going too deep into them. I don't know why, but I should have known Jack and Kate would run into each other. I thought their short scene was quite sweet, but anytime I see Jack smile I love it hehe. It was great to see the caves, Shannon's misplaced inhaler (*sniff*), the skeletons in the caves, and Papa Shepard's coffin. Plus, after all these years, Jack tells someone how he truly found the caves and having it be Hugo, the person who talks to the living dead, was awesome. To have Hugo and Co. accept Hugo's power allows for a lot of character development insightfulness. Something we couldn't get from the first five seasons. I have to hand to the crew because The Lighthouse was amazing, and I loved how they did made it. Having mirrors there noting once again how long the island has been in existence of human contact. Seeing the images in the mirror was freakin' awesome, and great callbacks to the previous seasons.

The Temple

The church where the funeral of Sawyer's parents took place

The place of Jin and Sun's wedding

Who didn't fangeek out with these images?! I know I sure did lol. Matthew Fox did a great job at Jack's reaction to seeing these images because I had the exact same one lol. Though isn't it interesting that instead of the hospital, where Jacob touched Jack, the image on Jack's number 23 is that of his childhood home. So does that mean Jacob met Jack once before when he was child, or perhaps he touched Mama Shepard. Since Papa Shepard was used so much by the Man In Black then I'm half-assuming and speculating that he is tied to Man In Black not Jacob.

I just loved the conversation Hurley had with Jacob outside The Lighthouse because of the banter between them and I don't know I felt Jacob's kindness despite that he is doing anything to save the island. Jacob is thinking of the bigger picture. Not to pull a Buffy the Vampire Slayer quote but I am lol. That Jacob is thinking of the mission. At least he is there to protect the island whereas, for the time being, the Man In Black is self-serving. That it's all about him getting off the island. So I'm assuming the bad person coming to The Temple is Claire (who wants her child) and Fake!Locke (who probably needs certain tools to get off the island), and since Sawyer is tagging along to get off the island and Jin is on his way to find Sun these two guys are essentially caught up in this mess. Speaking of banter I thought that small scene between Hurley and Dogan was utterly priceless lol.

Jin, Fake!Locke, Kate, & Nutty!Claire - Who thinks Claire is nuttier than a fruitcake due to the Man In Black's malipulation raise your hand? Man, the Man In Black did a true number on Claire, and it sounds like poor Claire doesn't even remember the events from S4. That it was her that left Aaron to be with the person she believes is her father. Since Claire doesn't remember the reason why she was (semi?) healed I'm assuming she doesn't remember the events from S4. Claire and Kate have a whole lot in common now other than Aaron since now Claire is now a murderer. She's been killing off Temple Others for the past three years due to the grudge of the ordeal she been through with them and Man In Black malipulation. The way Claire said she would kill Kate there was no emotion. Just as if it was a matter of fact.

So needless to say this was the first time I liked that Jin lied to protect Kate's welfare. Poor Jin just gets completely tied up in this mess, and he is doing the best he can from protecting Justin and Kate to making sure he is able to get back to his wife and daughter. Every once and while lying is a necessity and it's always hard to write it in a matter that doesn't damage the characters. I thought the writers did a good job at Jin's lie because it increases the angst of the storyline. Even though for the time being Kate's life is safe the lives of the people at the Temple are not. Or until Jin can't find that secret passage unless  he accidently finds it. Sorry, another or is unless he means going underneath the temple again. So does Claire knows Locke is dead and knows it's Fake!Locke. Is that what we were suppose to get out of that small exchange? If not that's how I interpretated it lol.

2004 Alternate Timeline

Papa Jack & David - I'm going to make this short and sweet and say I LOVED this alternate storyline. Matthew Fox had wonderful chemistry with the young actor Dylan Minnete who played David. Wow, did these two look like they could be father and son. I loved that AU!Jack didn't want the past repeated, and made sure David knew he could never be a failure in his eyes *sniff*.

Their last scene was just so awesome that part of me wishes David Shepard existed in the real timeline lol. I hope we are able to see David again before the two timelines merge (or whatever is going to happen). Matthew and Dylan were utterly adoreable in their ending scene that it just melted my heart, and it brought in some sideways way that it gave a bit of closure to the Shepard men. That not every generation repeats the past. I did enjoy Jack's short scenes with Mama Shepard and Dogan as well (Dogan with his son was also adoreable and touching), and interesting that AU!Mama Shepard didn't know who Claire was. Kinda amusing that the Others, Ben, Ethan, and Dogan, all live in California lol. Anyways going back to Papa Jack I loved that the love for the piano was carried down through the Shepard men, and that AU!Jack still has his classic Bronco along with great music inside

Overall, I enjoyed the episode and looking forward to see what happens next.

the lighthouse, lost, review

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