So much to do, so little time...and luck is *not* exactly on my side!

Jun 04, 2004 00:04

Alright...I've actually been writing, but my laptop just had to crash today of all I'm very very frustrated about that now, especially since I've been meaning to post up a lot of the things I've been writing very soon! Also there's a lot of stuffs for my work that's saved on that #@!$%#$@ computer, so I hope that the technicians at the computer shop will be able to savage it!!!

So first things first, here's a list of ALL the fics that I'm writing and have started...and hopefully will finish very soon.

1. To Jadarene, your Draco/Hermione NC-17 fic gift for the Dramionekink is currently half done...have no fear, it's's already at over 3,000 words I let's hope they are able to retrieve it! I'm so sorry for the delay, but I've been really busy with RL and a production I'm helping with...Alright, I'm off to pray that it can be saved....

2. Another Draco/Hermione R-rated currently unnamed fic for the dhr_valentine. I've written 13 pages, but it's still got a looonnnggg way to go, but I want to finish that very soon as well...and it's a surprise (when and *if* I ever finish it, that is!).

3. A very much belated Draco/Hermione (do I ever write anything else? :p) NC-17 b'day fic for Nual entitled "In Thoughts of Those Who Couldn't Love".

4. And must definitely finish the LONG-awaited fifth chapter for "Eight Nights of Awakenings"... Yes, it's the first D/Hr I ever wrote as well.

5. *That* songfic to Linkin Park's "Easier to Run"...D/Hr R-rated again!

That's way too many fics started that needs finishing! Argh!

Ok, those are my to-do writing list, and we're waiting to receive a few more fics by our volunteer writers for the Dhr_valentine so that we can finally start the polls for the voting of the best fics by ratings as sponsored by Contra Veritas. In the meanwhile, smashingsugar and I will be putting all the fics posted so far at dhr_valentine into the Memories Section as well.

In addition, there are also all those other eeeevvviiillll RL stuffs like finding a full time job, finish the report for my current job so I can quit and end it for all eternity, and I have a small part in a play producction of "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller which will be performed end of June! Yep, so much to do, so little time...If only there were 28 hours in a day!!! :D

Well, I was hoping to do a few Fic Recommendations, but I had all the links saved in that blasted er...that will have to wait a bit I guess! On the other hand, got to see Prisoner of Azkaban with Smashingsugar and loved every SINGLE minute of it! But as most of you will probably be seeing it very shortly, I won't bother with the reviews...but to keep it short, it's SO GOOD, the cinematography was superb, Pansy is *cute*, Hermione looked like she DID care when Draco was attacked by Buckbeat, ooohhhh feel the tension in the D/Hr punch scene (alright, leave me alone!!!)...and yes, Radcliffe is TOO HOT, TOO YOUNG...and Felton is SEX ON LEGS, period.

Anyhow, to get this LJ started, I'm going to do those 3-Questions Thing I've seen going around for LJ for a while! So if you feel like it and/or would like to know more about the freak who friended you :p, ask me *ANY* three questions and I'll answer them truthfully - You can do this anonymously or logged on if you wish...That's right ANY three know you want to!

And to anyone else who is off to see POA, enjoy yourself and I know you'll have a great time! :)

All for now!


P.S. If anyone knows of any good *dark* sombre non-fluffy completed or one-shot *Het* fics of any same-generation pairings (with the exception of Tom/Ginny) and of any ratings, please help me out because I'm in the craving for something soul-searching, dark and beautiful since there seems to be absence of that lately :p! Thanks a lot!

Edited for change:
Ok, I changed my mind and here are recs for some really good fics i read within the last 24 hours:

1. "Green Eyes" by Bloodroze
Loving the Boy Who Lived and Died is difficult. But sometimes, all you need to heal is to look to home. D/Hr one-shot. NC-17.

2. "Plato's Sex Life" by Voleuse
Stop contemplating the origins of evil. D/Hr, R-rated.

3. "In the Heat of the Battle" by lysrouge
In the midst of a battle virginity is lost. Ron/Pansy, NC-17.
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