Alright...I've actually been writing, but my laptop just had to crash today of all I'm very very frustrated about that now, especially since I've been meaning to post up a lot of the things I've been writing very soon! Also there's a lot of stuffs for my work that's saved on that #@!$%#$@ computer, so I hope that the technicians at the
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Comments 8
and yes, Radcliffe is TOO HOT, TOO YOUNG...and Felton is SEX ON LEGS, period.
I totally agree with you there. legal next summer...must restrain self!
Thank you for the rec list. I've been dying for fresh material. The Ron/Pansy one looks interesting. Ever read Muggle Studies by slytherincess? Excellent Pansy fic.
Just got around to answeritng this...yeah, I know too much to write! Btw, have you written any fics cuz I'd love to check them out :D
Yeah, Ron/Pansy is interesting when a need a change from Draco/Hermione once in a while :P And yep, I've also read "Muggle Studies" by slytherincess, in fact, I really enjoyed her Harry/Pansy stories "Blankets of Pansies" and "Wick". If you have't read them, tell me and I'll give you the links :)
Nah, I haven't written any fics...yet. I'm working on changing that. I kinda go into "I want to write a fic" mood swings and I have an idea I badly want to use, but I gotta plan it out right. Don't worry I'll definitely post updates on my LJ.
Yes! I also loved "Wick" and "Blankets of Pansies." I generally have a preference for inter-house pairings...or the really weird ones. I like Boy!Blaise and Hermione, Harry and Pansy et. al. Also, after reading Shakespearechick's "The Play's the Thing" I really like Seamus and Hermione together. Yeah I'm strange like that.
And I see you have another slew of new fics. You rock. XD
As for recs...Het and same-gen. *thinks and mentally crosses out 90% of all fics she's ever read*
You may have read this before, but innocenteen's Redemption is a pretty good read. [D/Hr, can't remember the rating, either PG-13 or R]
Red Herring is a fic that nearly made me cry. And I'm not a crier at all. It's a Fred/Hermione/Ron triangle and some parts of it are rather fluffy. Not a darkfic by any stretch of the imagination, but definitely a good drama/angst fic to read. [NC-17]
Palette by Lissanne is one of my favorite stories of all time. All ships are same-gen, but there are implications of slash and incest. And D/G. But if you're looking for something that just leaves you in shock, this is it. [H/Hr, R/Hr, D/Hr, D/G, R/G, implied H/D, NC-17 ( ... )
Thanks for the links! I've read "Palette" and "Redemption" but not "Red Herring" so I'll definitely take a look at that :) I read that you're going to Hong Kong for a while, well have a safe trip and hopefully you'll come back with even more plot bunnies :P
And now, for the answers to your three questions:
1. If I can meet anybody dead or alive right now, that's easy, I'd want to meet my father and tell him how much I love him and missed him as he passed away last year ...But if it has to be someone I'd never met before, I'd want to meet "Wu Tse Tian" the only female to have ever become Empress of China... just because I've read so many books/stories about her, and would like to know the secret to her strength and success :p ( ... )
I couldn't agree with you more!
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Heh heh! Radcliffe is getting too dangerously hot!!! :P
Anyways, yeah, I didn't know you liked Ron/Pansy too! Heh heh... Cuz I've got more Ron/Pansy fics to recommend, if you'd like some more!
Oh, and I've got new *hot* D/Hr fics recommendation in my latest post! :P
Take Care
I will basically read any well-written HET smut.
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