Mellymel and the pretty crapy, kinda awful, sorta sucky, bad day.

Feb 11, 2010 13:48

I accidentally stayed up until 11:30 writing and dicking around online last night. Yes, accidentally. I'm too reliant on Chris to tell me it's 9:30, I guess, and he passed out on the couch about then. I realize how retarded it is that I lost track of time with a freakin' clock right in my face. But yeah, if I've got no where to be, I typically ignore the bottom right hand corner of my monitor.

So, this morning was a total ball of sunshine (/sarcasm) as I got up to get breakfast ready for Chris. Jonah also woke up extra early, so there was no going back to bed. Serves me right, really. But whatever. Since we had a nice two hours before school, we had plenty of time to get ready and get to the grocery for stuff for his Valentine's party today (since I didn't get out and do that yesterday).

He's had a cough and a runny nose the past few days, but isn't otherwise acting sick. When his cough gets disruptive, I give him some cough medicine (which is generally once a day, right before bed). But he's not had a fever and not even slowed down really. He sounded mostly fine this morning so I thought nothing of it. But I did give him some cough medicine before he went to school, because I knew he had been coughing some.

A few minutes before 11am, I got a call from his school saying he needed to be picked up. He didn't have a fever, but he was coughing all over the place and they didn't want to spread anything. Plans to get him ready to go to his grandparents tomorrow and get the house all cleaned up for the weekend (since I'll be driving and stuff tomorrow)? Nope. Hope you enjoyed that 2 hours of child-free time you had there this week. *shakes fist at Metro Nashville Public Schools for stupidly calling off school on Tuesday*

I got home from picking him up and realized when Jimi was the only one who came to greet us that I had left Sunflower outside while I was gone (which really was all of 15 minutes). I went to check on her and what comes running up to me is. . . well, a picture is worth a thousand words, so here you go. The audacity! My brain kind of froze for a moment while I tried to figure out how to deal with the chaos of a kid who was ready for lunch (or so he said) but wouldn't stop playing in the washing machine and didn't want to take off his jacket but was sweating and then this mud monster from the great beyond that had swallowed and assumed the shape of my dog. I took care of the kid issues first, since the alleged dog was obviously not capable of getting out of the back yard at this point as her efforts had failed miserably. Got him out of the washing machine and coatless and to the table and eating.

I zipped up the waterproof coat I was still wearing and went to grab the harness and a short leash to tie the stupid creature in the backyard to something so she couldn't get far from me. I got the hose ready with a spray attachment as she cowered, unable to escape the general area of the grill (but nearly taking out one of the tiki torches in her attempts to). Then, after a nice, long, ice cold stream of water rinsed away the goop, I was left with a very wet and cold dog and I think a suitable punishment had been carried out. I left her tied up there and ran inside to grab a couple of old towels to dry her as much as possible before letting her in the house. Then I laid one down on the laminate floors in the dining room and made her lay there instead of on her nice, warm, plush bed with her brother. She's just lucky it was sunny today.

Also, I happen to be wearing black from head to toe today. Yeah, perfect choice for the day the dog with the white undercoat decides to pull a stunt, eh? She'll get a proper bath when I feel like dealing with her again. But I need to go change clothes, I think.

So, there's my day so far, all before lunch. Maybe Jonah's ready for a nap. I could use some quiet time or to just go back to bed and start over. *sigh*

i am literally angry with rage, momming, bad dog, hyperbole, sick, sunflower, jonah, preschool

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