Went to do my Youth Group thing at the Church this morning as we had a guest speaker coming and none of the other co-ordinators were in town. Good thing I did because Th'Boy and I ended up being the only ones there. I was late (had to spend half an hour blow drying the hot water pipe this morning) and so the only other Youth didn't know we were there and stayed up in the service.
Our Speaker was part of an Interfaith organization that's trying to get different Youth groups to work together to fundraise for a couple of anti-Malaria projects. I especially like the one run through
Under the Baobob Tree -- they're training women in Malawi to act as healthcare workers to make sure people in the villages are getting the help they need. This is in addition to subsidizing health care, facilitating micro loans, intiating anti-malaria programs and doing so many other incredible things.
We ended up brainstorming mostly and I gave her some contact info I thought would be useful. I'm also going to initiate two fundraisers at the Church: Swat Malaria -- the kids will decorate flyswatters which we'll auction off in a silent auction and: If I Had a Nickle -- where families make a note of everytime they use water at home and at the end of a week donate a nickle for each tick on their sheet. Both will be tied into our Earth Day Celebration and we'll invite other Youth Groups to participate. I might try to get my Cubs involved, at least with the water one.
After Church we saw Where the Wild Things Are (finally). Aside from needing some prozac to cheer up I really liked it. The heaviness is my only complaint -- everything else was amazing. It was written by someone who really *gets* the way kids think, it was choreographed by people who have built secret forts and fought epic battles with their stuffed animals and it was filmed by people who have read the book so many times it's imprinted on their eyeballs.
Now I am very tired.