A Twist in my Story

Aug 05, 2009 14:12

Tittle: A Twist in my Story
Author: mello_bello_91
Characters/Pairing(s): Dean/Castiel, Sam, mentions of Zachariah
Rating: R
Warnings: angst, takes place before season 4 finale
Summary: Based off of three lines from the song Running Up that Hill by Placebo
Word Count: 1242
Disclaimer: I own none of these characters!
A/N: This started as one thing, and became something totally different. Also, the title is a song by Secondhand Serenade. Written for round 6: Placebo Lyrics

Placebo - Running Up that Hill"

You don't want to hurt me,
But see how deep the bullet lies.
Unaware that I'm tearing you asunder.

Dean didn't want to hurt Castiel but, Castiel refused to listen to reason, and refused to help Dean. Castiel would rather hide behind his "orders" than think on his own. Castiel may have doubts, but that doesn't mean that he'll act on them. He'll probably just keep on doing what he's told because he's a good little soldier. This left Dean with only one other option. To push Castiel till he would help Dean, which meant verbally abusing the angel, constantly. Dean had been hoping that if he pushed Castiel hard enough, the angel would finally crack and stand up for himself and what he believed in! Dean smiled as he remembered teaching Sam this kind of stuff when they were growing up.

"Dean?" Sam looked up from his laptop. "You okay man?"

"Yeah," Dean's smile disappearing, "Never better."

"If you say so." Sam shook his head and returned to staring at his computer.

Dean's smile returned, "I do."

Sam just rolled his eyes, not even attempting to hide his reaction.

"Whatcha got, Sammy?" A smirk replacing the smile.

"Would you stop calling me that." Sam closed his laptop. "No suicides, no murders, no deaths. This town is clean."

"Alright, then what's with all the ghosts?"

"Don't know." Sam looked away from Dean.

"What?" Dean knew what Sam was going to say, he just didn't want to hear it.

"Maybe we should ask Castiel." Sam refused to meet Dean's gaze.

Dean stood up from the table, "No."

Sam, grabbing his laptop quickly followed after throwing some money on the diner table. "Dean, we need their help with this."



"No Sam. Not gonna happen."

"Fine, then I'll call Cas."

Dean spun around, pinning Sam to a building wall. "Fine, I'll do it. You go back to the room and try to figure something out." Dean released his little brother.

"Okay." Sam had a smile on his face.

Dean wanted to punch Sam when he realized what had just happened. "You called him Cas on purpose."

Sam shrugged, "I knew it would get you pissed off, so you would call Castiel yourself."

Dean glared at his baby brother, "Sammy," Dean used the name because he knew how much Sam hated it, "You call him Cas again, and I will murder you."

Sam just chuckled as he walked away from Dean, giving Dean a short wave good bye.

Sometimes Dean just wanted to kill that kid. Although, most of the time, Sam meant well. Sighing, Dean headed towards the Impala, if he was going to call Castiel, he wanted to do it someplace private. He just wasn't sure where that was. All he knew was that once he got in the car, he was just going to drive till he found an empty place.


"CAS!" Dean had been yelling for at least an hour. Castiel had never taken this long to answer Dean's calls. Dean just hoped that nothing bad had happened to his angel. "CAS!" Sure Dean poked and prodded at the angel, didn't mean he didn't care about him. Hell, it had been decided about a month ago, that Dean loved the angel, the angel just didn't know it yet. No one knew it yet, well, Sam had guessed it, but Dean never told him if he was right or wrong. "CAS!"

"Dean." The angel was a few feet away from where Dean was standing.

"What the hell man? Where've you been?" Dean wasn't going to let the angel get away with being all cryptic tonight. He was sick of being told nothing, of being left in the dark to worry about what was going on the his angel.

"Away." Castiel refused to meet Dean's gaze. This was bad, Castiel only avoided Dean's gaze when he had bad news.

"What's up Cas?"

Castiel turned his eyes to Dean, "I... I'm sorry Dean."

"Cas? What gives man?" Dean takes a step closer to Castiel.

"I was sent to distract you." Castiel closed the distance between himself and Dean, placing his lips softly on Dean's. If Castiel's last words weren't ringing in his head, Dean would have pushed for a harder kiss. I was sent to distract you. Dean would have continued his next thought, had a certain angel's hands not found their way to Dean's pants. A small gasp escaped Dean's lips as Castiel gently undid Dean's jeans, sliding a hand in afterwords. Dean deepened the kiss as he felt Castiel's hand close around him. distract you The words broke through the haze as Dean fought himself to push the angel away from him. A battle he was currently losing because the angel's hand was moving up and down his length, causing Dean's thoughts to scatter again. Dean needed to get control again, if only Castiel would allow that to happen.

"Cas..." It comes out as more of a moan than a protest, as Dean released himself all over the angel's hand.

Castiel placed another kiss to Dean's lips. "I'm sorry."

Sorry? That was an odd thing to say after Castiel willing gave Dean a hand job. "No need to apologize, I-" That's when it hit him, I was sent to distract you "What are you bastards planning to do to Sam?"

Castiel stepped away from Dean, all evidence of the scene that just took place gone. "Not planning on doing. All ready done."

Dean just stared at the angel. What had they done to Sam. Dammit, how could he have been so stupid. "Cas, why?" The words were softer than Dean had intended them to be.

"I am truly sorry Dean. Zachariah told me-"

Dean silenced Castiel by placing a hand in the air. "I don't want to hear it. I trusted you Cas."

"I didn't mean to hurt you Dean." Castiel was pleading, hoping Dean would understand.

"No, you just want to twist the knife in my back." Dean turned away from Castiel, heading back to the Impala. Dean was done with the angel. Sure Dean had poked and prodded at Castiel to get him to help him, but he never hurt Castiel, or hurt one of Castiel's brothers. Hurting Sam by pulling Dean away from him, ignoring the fact that Sam was the one who sent Dean to call Castiel in the first place. Dean stopped by the drivers side door, turning back around to face Castiel, "You sent the ghost, didn't you."

Castiel looked down at his feet, "Zachariah told me you had to be away from Sam, the ghost was how we would separate you."

"Dammit Cas! Why would you go along with this? Sam trusted you damn angels. I trusted you! And this is how you repay that trust, by thrusting a knife in my back and twisting it till I break? Well, mission accomplished! I'm done! You screwed with my family, I will never forgive you, and I sure as hell will never fight with you."

Dean was done. He didn't want to look at Castiel anymore. Dean climbed into his car, and with more force than was necessary, slammed the door shut. Instead of backing up like Dean needed to, he put the car in drive and floored it, heading straight for where Castiel stood, eyes still cast downwards. The bastard disappeared just as Dean would have hit him. Still, the thought of running over the angel, got some of Dean's anger out, some. Castiel might not have wanted to hurt Dean, but somehow, the angel always did. Dean wasn't sure which hurt more, the fact that he might have to live without his baby brother, or that he might have to live without his angel.


Here!! happy ending here!

thrid person, team heaven, title: a, character: dean winchester, rating: r, character: castiel, supernatural, round 6: placebo lyrics, pairing: dean/castiel, character: sam winchester

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