so here comes graduation...

Apr 27, 2007 18:59

i wonder if it will be what i imagine it to be or not.  i mean, considering that the ceremony i am going to is just formal dress with just the engineering school, it should be a little different i suppose.  but i don't think it's going to be something that makes me turn around and go "wow, i'm finally finished with school now".  i'll probably not really undestand it until i start a full time regular job and the fall comes around and i'm not getting myself ready to move into another crappy apartment and running around to buy books and making sure my calculator still works.

it's been a strange week so far since all i've really had is a couple finals, but even with lot's of down time i feel as if i've spent plenty of time running around to get things done and then end up just sitting around doing nothing the rest of the time.  hopefully over the next week the summer will solidify itself.  i need to find a job to hold my finances in order til i find a real job.  that is the main concern for the moment.  once i get that, i think i can start cleaning up my room a bit and seeing what can be thrown away and what i could probably ship home until the new homestead comes around in august.  i've begun to realize that i have started to collect lots of stuff since i didnt have to move around at all last summer.  it'll be 2 years straight at this curent apartment come the end of july, and there is quite a bit of accumulated material around here that would benefit from a move just so i can realize what i still have and what i probably should throw/give away.
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