oficially done with everything now

May 01, 2007 16:19

i took my last final today, and it felt nice to get it done with.  now i get to find myself a job.  i just arranged for some temp stuff at upmc for the moment, since i want to have some flexibility with hour for travelling and such, but i think i'll be able to be there full time more or less most of the summer, so that will be nice.

i haven't heard back from anyone really as far as permanent stuff.  i think partly because i am mostly looking to start in august, so people arent really looking that far down the line.  but it owuld be nice if these couple places at least told me what was going on so i had a better idea.  it would be helppful to know who to leave off the list and who to keep on calling.

i know there are plenty of jobs out there that i could persue, but it would be really nice to find something relevant to my interests, so that way i won't be looking for a new job 2 or 3 months down the road because the one i',m in really sucks
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