Randomness, Wed Apr 16 08 Edition

Apr 16, 2008 22:35

Pimp My Ride, Yo - The bus ride home was in a *new* TTC bus - how did I know this? Well, like any new vehicle it had that distinctive, chemical plastic-ky "new car smell" which hit your nose as soon as you boarded. It's the same style as the "throne" buses only that at the very rear sets of forward-facing pair seats now face each other leaving more standing room (they really want you to move back it seems).
The endearing Oscar-nominated Juno was released on DVD this past Tuesday. I'm tempted to buy it because reviews of the DVD itself with all its extras seem to be as great as acclaim for the movie itself. I watched this in the theatre and it was well worth it. I LOL numerous times and felt like I was the only one in the theatre who got the sarcastic humour. I only hope that I will have as unfussed a pregnancy as Ellen Page - I don't think I'd be chugging back the Sunny D or blue slushies but I can see myself barfing into some inconspicuous spot and covering it up, just because I probably wouldn't make it to a restroom in time (!!)
So with the warmer temps I've started jogging outdoors again. I don't really have proper outdoor running gear save  for this fuschia-coloured fitted windbreaker that looks like it could be made for running. Plus I have one good pair of stretchy fitted black pants that I inherited from my sister. Off I went on the much cooler Monday evening - I warmed up by walking towards T&T on Cherry St and then backtracked jogging towards the Queen's Quay Loblaws at the bottom of Jarvis. My intent was to jog from one grocery store to another.
Today I just jogged along Queen's Quay from Parliament to Harbourfront - Rees St. to be exact - and back. I cooled down by walking around the Distillery District before heading back.

I ordered new frames online through the site I order my contact lenses - ClearlyContacts.ca. They're based out West in B.C. so I don't have to worry about customs charges and they ship with FedEx so everything is practically next day delivery.
If you're wondering how I ordered frames without trying them on, I didn't. The site offers a 4-pair trial pack where you pick whichever frames on advertised on the site (that qualifies for this offer-some of the stushy brands you can't), and they ship them the next day to you. The catch is, they expect you to return the frames promptly (as in within 3-4 days). I know, because I sat on mine for awhile and I started getting phone calls with the "604" area code and voice messages asking when I was planning on returning the frames. Despite their lack of ideal customer service, I went ahead and ordered 2 pairs because my eyewear hasn't been updated in a few years. If you're curious to see which frames I got, it's this one and this one.
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