Friday 5 Backtrack: Apr 4 Ed.

Apr 13, 2008 21:48

The Friday Five for 4 April 2008
Today's questions are brought to you by kattwoman2 , the letter F, and the number 5.

  1. If you became ruler of the world, what three things would you do first? 1) Make philanthropy mandatory for the wealthy but regulated so that funds are directed to the greatest needs 2) Enforce environmental protection and sustainable practices 3) Institute a policy of multilingualism
  2. If you were a superhero, what would be your name and what powers would you have? Phoenix - with powers similar to X-Men's Dr. Jean Grey
  3. You can ask one question to someone who knows EVERYTHING. What is it? Probably the cliched 'What's the meaning of Life?' -or something equally open-ended.
  4. If you were invisible for a day, what would you do? Job shadow one of Canada's Ambassadors so I can see what they do on a daily basis.
  5. If you saw a mythical/religious deity walking down the street, what would you do? Probably approach them with a friendly & polite, "Um excuse me, hi! *slight wave* Hello! Are you...??"
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