Too late

Jan 22, 2008 14:05

Pairing: Ennis
Rating: dead!Jack

Disclaimer: I am not Annie Proulx and sadly I never will be her - so all recognition for the wonderful original characters Ennis and Jack belongs to her and her alone. I am only borrowing these two heros and I will give them back, I promise. Obviously I make no money from my story, I’m just passing the time.

Special Thanks: My special thanks goes to tizi17 who did the proof reading for this little one-shot.

Note: This morning I did something very insane... I listened to the soundtrack of Brokeback Mountain - for the first time since more than one year - and this is the result... I'm sorry, that all my one-shots or short stories are sad ones but I can't help it... The music has such an devastating impact on me - and right after the first song was over, Ennis started talking to me and I did what I always do: I listened...

This story is only in English - there's no German version.

Feedback: Yes, please.


Too late

He would never forget the day his world stopped turning.

The minute he held the postcard in his hands and read the word „DECEASED“ - marked in read as if the word itself was craving for recognition - the sun seemed to loose its warmth, the sky darkened and he felt the spirit of life vanish into thin air.

Trembling he stared onto the piece of paper and tried to comprehend what was happening with him. Suddenly breathing became an act of agony. He felt as if his heart had lost its force to beat steadily in his body and as if his soul was suddenly covered in black - suffocated by feelings so powerful and painful that they threatened him to death.

And within a split second the man remembered vividly the day his parents had died. He remembered the grief and the sudden loss that grubbed painfully through his body and in his memory he saw himself motionless and stock-still, trying to be strong because his siblings felt as helpless as he felt and he didn't want to be a burden for them. But today the otherwise strong and stalwart man suddenly felt the urge to cower down and cry like the little child he once had been.

The wish to be held and comforted by a person stronger than him was overwhelming, breathtaking and so agonizingly painful that the sudden weakness in his legs caused him to stumble. Unseen for any other person - but stunning for him who had never made a false step until now.

And in that moment when he had lost his balance, awareness was creeping through his veins, filling his body with an unbearable emptiness, causing his heart to ache with every beat, separating his life in Before and After, accompanied by a sudden constant fear to loose control over his life which seemed not livable anymore.

And deep down in his heart he knew.
Deep down in his heart he could finally admit.

He had lost his love.
He had lost a sweet dream he had up to now never known he was dreaming.

- END -

one shot (english)

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