fly this flag for you one last time

Jun 26, 2010 23:36

Knockout stages:

- Korea 1-2 Uruguay
- USA 1-2 Ghana

My thoughts: it was really sad to see Korea play so well and still manage to get eliminated. :( At least they put up a strong showing, though I guess that doesn't mean as much at the end of the day, because they're still going home. Ghana out-played the US, end of story. USA managed to do pretty well in the 2nd half of the normal period but fell through in extra time. It's disappointing because it would've been nice to see them advance and play other countries, and as much as it annoys me personally how much ESPN hypes the USMNT's achievement, they really do deserve their time in the spotlight considering the shit they usually get at home (because no one cares about soccer) as well as abroad (because no one takes the US seriously). Oh well, though. I'm also happy for Ghana because yay for Africa representation. I'm not sure how they'll do against Uruguay but hoping for the best!

I have had a shitty and exhausting day so forgive the lack of flailing and incoherency - or maybe we should be grateful for that? I'm reserving energy to freak out and be completely ridiculously stressed by tomorrow's England v. Germany game.

In much more terrifying news, you will be shocked and appalled (or maybe not shocked, just appalled, or maybe you'll just be laughing forever) but, um, this is what I just wrote. Mind, I am sleep-deprived and ill-feeling. Is that a justification? There can be no justification!

Yes, your mockery may follow.

The worst thing about the way Ronaldo can never stop looking at Kaká is how oblivious the other man is. Nudity doesn't even deserve a second thought in the showers, so commonplace they might as well blush and demand privacy from the media. The paparazzi is always going to be after them for a story and the team showers with each other, side-by-side, face tilted towards the tile and not towards each other - it's the way of life, as much part of the routine as sweat dripping down his back and grass burns along his knees.

It didn't start off anything more than a sort of platonic, aesthetic appreciation. Kaká is a brilliant footballer, quick and creative on his feet. His body is just another part of that, long and lean. And for all that he hides it away under the layers, never the exhibitionest that Ronaldo is, more modest than Ronaldo's ever dreamed of being - even Kaká doesn't give a second thought to stripping down with the team. It feels like a privilege of sorts to be able to steal long looks under the mist of the shower, glimpses of tan skin under the water, toned and trim from years of constant physical demands. It feels - more, somehow. More special, more meaningful, because it's Kaká, not just anyone else. Ronaldo's seen his fair share of skin from his teammates, from opponents on the pitch, from the warm bodies he coaxes kisses and low moans from in the shadows of clubs - but a glimpse of Kaká's skin is like a gift.

He can't help his staring, stolen looks lingering longer and longer, growing more blatant as he puts a hand on the tile in front of him and slides his gaze sideways. He never gets caught. Kaká is just so damned un-self-conscious. So unaware.

It would continue to Ronaldo staring more and more and realizing his interest is more than just platonic or aestheic, blah blah blah, Kaká continues to be oblivious and super Christian, and Ronaldo is all FML, let me sex up a bunch of women and possibly men to distract myself, and lots of super-cute BFFery in the meantime that is kind of driving him crazy because Kaká is, well, Kaká and thus very religious, very sweet, all good-hearted despite his joking (and Ronaldo's bad influence) and oh my god, did Ronaldo forget to mention? Fucking married. And Ronaldo, idk, keeps being a playboy and Kaká gets somewhat concerned and kind of curious and uh...joins him sometimes? And when Ronaldo is drunk he makes bad decisions like pushing himself up agaist Kaká in the dark clubs and whispering (filthy) Portuguese in his ear and talks about fucking this girl or that girl and speculates on how Kaká might fuck them (but always steering clear of ever mention Kaká's wife, idk, there is a line, okay? Even playboy douchebags who fancy their straight married innocent best friends can respect that, or so Ronaldo tells himself) and........somehow it ends up with lots of UST and sex? AND THEN EPIC LOADS OF RECRIMINATION AND GUILT AND ANGST., never mind. :|

(11:12:30 PM) champagne apocalypse: oh my god
(11:12:32 PM) champagne apocalypse: it's so...
(11:12:32 PM) champagne apocalypse: idek

The end! I'm going to bed now. Epic freakouts and heartbreak in my schedule for tomorrow, y'know. Busy day.

the shame oh the unending shame, tagging things is a pain, i write too much, omgwtf, join me in hell, world cup 2010, stop judging me

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