How unreal life feels now that the play is over! I cannot explain why playing pretend makes me feel alive; it does and I miss the sensation. Nothing compares to the adrenaline rush that is theatre and the companionship that is the cast. Yesterday, when everyone involved with The Long Red Herring gave their words of advice and encouragement before the show, I was faced with the odd feeling that characters of The Breakfast Club must have faced. I asked, "Will we still be friends when this is all over?" I am not a clique-y person, but most of my friends are in theatre or are, at least, interested in it. This show was different. It involved people like Garrett and Zeshawn that I hardly knew at all. Zeshawn and I decided to randomly break into scenes in the hallway. For example:
Me: "Bojo, you cretin, you're on your own!"
Zeshawn: "OH!"
I just love the idea of confusing strangers.
But, anyway, it all sort of makes me wonder about memory. Will we remember how we felt during this play, or will nothing but scripts and photographs mark this time of our lives? I realize we have good experiences all of the time and that new memories will take the place of old ones; we will hardly miss what has passed. This truth makes me sad, though.
In honor of The Long Red Herring and its beauteous cast, here is a list of quotes to document our good times:
William: "Snap yo' flangles!"
Patrick: "Everybody, shut up."
Me: "Well, maybe if you said 'please'!"
William: "Pork chop sandwiches!"
William: "This is SPARTA!"
Patrick: "Bring in red books to tomorrow's rehearsal."
Brenden: "What about books we've partially read?"
Me: "Haha... pun."
Me: "I don't believe this; suddenly, we're in ORTC!"
Me: "Because that's the way I would commit a murder!"
Brenden: "Mrs. Kleine... Oooh."
I ask Chelsea to let me know of more. I have the memory of a goldfish, remember.
Today's agenda includes the set strike (or "strike set" if you're special) at some time, worrying about all of the books I need to buy before Wednesday, and finishing my summer reading assignment. Oh, yes, I need to clean the squalor that is my room as well.