Oct 14, 2008 23:05
It has come to my attention that I need to do some live journal updating that I haven't done in a long while.
My life as of right now is trucking along at a fast pace. Well I mean before I know it, Monday night has come and I have to try and cram alll my assignments for my four tuesday classes into Monday and whatever amount of the weekend might be left. I know this is just how school is, and I am not trying to complain...I just need to get the work done bit, by bit every day. So really I need to work on time management these days. That was my goal for last week...but it didn't work so well. I am going to try again, but this time with another new strategy that I haven't tried yet.
I am enjoying being back in the swing of school and am not completely sick of it yet. Still paranoid for student teaching starting next quarter. But I know I shall survive somehow.
Well I want to update more, but I should make myself go to bed now, because lately I have been up way too late and I don't want to keep this up. Last night was way too late when I had to get up for an eight am. Somehow I am able to stay awake in my classes and survive on this smaller amount of sleep. I don't know how it is. Weird.
OK I will update more later.