Oct 27, 2008 02:21
Nothing like coming home, tired from studying till 1am at a coffee shop to find your roomates, both still up, and in the middle of a discussion about women and the Bible. How women are to act, how they were treated in the Old Testament, etc. I finally gave up when it was strongly asserted by one roomate that it would be a sin for the women to work and the man to stay home, because the women would be being selfish. And if both parents were working they were both being selfish and living outside of their means--thus needing to work two jobs to afford this lifestyle...and they didn't have to live that way--thus they didn't have to have both parents working. Although i agree with SOME of what she said...I can't see why it would be such a big sin for the man to be a stay at home dad. My cousin does it, and I have seen other dads do it. I don't know for sure if it is always selfishness, and I knwo sometimes it is...but is it always? So I pose this, what are your views and how do you plan to raise your kids? Can the mom work with kids, or should she? Should they rely on both incomes to keep their home and lifestyle in check? These issues are important to me as a teacher. I want to be a good mom, but I also want to be able to make a difference in children's lives other than just my own. I guess I can make a difference before I have kids and once my kids are in college or something....but still...let think about this issue a bit.
Well I am not going to start a debate right now, but you can sure comment and start a discussion of your own...tonight I am too tired to try and fully assert my own opinions and such. All I know is, over an hour after I got home and wanted to go to sleep, I am finally going to bed--mind you its 2:30 in the freaking morning on a school night and I was home at 1:15am...yes still late, but I did homework till the coffee shop closed at 1am, then I came home intending to go to sleep. I guess it is my fault for getting started in a conversation like I did. Mondays are my big get lots of homework done for Tuesday days and it bugs me to not be in bed earlier than this. I could handle staying up later to work on homework and then go to bed. But my roomates get to sleep in, and I don't. So when they stay up late to discuss things, and I do too, I have to try and make myself get up all nice and early to get things done while they sleep till their little hearts content--or have classes or other responsibilities. Thus, I am leaving the discussion to let them chat about their issuess and I am going to bed. I haven't done enough research on these issues and I don't like the whole idea that the man has total, complete, control...so I think I need to do more research on it--especially before I start seriously dating someone/get married...because I don't want to turn into a crazy extreme feminist, and I don't want to completely ignore what the Bible tells me is correct...but I just don't know.
All right well I do need to get some sleep. So why don't you tell me what you think? Aye? Thanks in advance. =)
Oh and can someone please update? It's been days and days and I keep checking eery day and there isn't anything new to read...so please give me something to read, please. I like hearing about your lives! =) I really do.