What a great VBS week! The energy was high all week long and I am so thankful for the group of volunteers we had who really took ownership and rocked their stations. We were also blessed with a GREAT group of kids. We will be showcasing our Theme Song at church on Sunday followed by a BBQ potluck for the families to get to know each other and people from our church. Then VBS will be officially over.
Haha! Love this picture of our pastor and VBS worship leader acting out the day's Bible verse!
In other news, this is the second day this week that Audrey has boycotted her nap. Just completely boycotted. She won't settle down to sleep no matter what I try. Maybe VBS rubbed off on her in a weird way.... Anti-nap serum was in the snacks or something? Just kidding. But seriously... it's frustrating and I get frustrated and I hate when I take my frustrations out on her. That's not fair. I can't force her to sleep if she's not tired, which I guess she isn't. So I told her we're both going to have "quiet time." She may do a quiet activity in her room and I will do a quiet activity in the house as well. So far, being about 20 minutes, she hasn't set foot out of her room....