Art Block BE GONE!

Mar 16, 2009 18:06

And that is wishful thinking, not necessarily a joyful statement.

I finally finished chiseling out the Leader game pieces for the Deathnote board game and sent them off to be colored.  Yeah, so they were mostly traced, but even with tracing, Obata's style kicks my ass.  WHY?  The Bleach style was so EASY...

My attempt at a Steampunk-style page to show at Editor's Day is SUCKING from the outset.  Thumbnail was great - page is green-penciled CRAP.  (Help me, art fairies!)

Started page 12 of Godlings.  Going better.  Been a while since I drew a comic page with LOTS of characters in one panel.

Retoned the SplitSlanger page a while back.  Not so over-toned now.  Printed better.  Line details more noticeable.

Finished the one sketch request from my MadLib Valentine contest winner for Y!Hosting Gallery.  Still have another for DevArt.  Should be fun and good practice.  Looking forward to it.  Might do it tonight...

Was linked to an article about Stephen Fairey's plagaristic scum-suckery.  Please, friends, never support his commercialized crap.

Going to look into being part of the Riverside Art Market here in Jacksonville.  More likely next year than this year, seeing as I don't have a body of original work to sell yet.  Might start doing some illustrations vaguely derived from Godlings stuff and general mythology.  Wish me luck.

Been having lots of headaches lately.  I mean, like, every DAY.  For about 2 weeks now.  It's so frustrating.  Excedrin's the only thing that stops them, but without a ton of food in my system, it makes me shaky and a tad nauseous.  And that makes it hard to draw.  You know how your muscles will shake continuously if they've been suddenly pushed to their limit and strained?  That's what the Excedrin will do, but dear god I love it for taking away the pain.  It just cuts down on my productivity.

Oh, and my stupid iPod shuffle is glitchy and won't play my music.  HELP!  I need my music back.  When I press the Play, the little green light flashes green/orange/green/orange/green/orange... and then nothing happens.  Anyone know a way to fix it?

Hrm.  That's about it.  Ciao, friends.

headaches, godlings, death note board game, stephen fairey should die, splitslanger

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