It's really kind of strange, however one person commented and said that the song was originally written by English composers. Maybe they sold the rights to two groups? Hmm..
Either way, it's interesting and DBSK released their song in 2005.
I've been trying to start this for awhile. Gaaahh..... I've just been so busy. School seems completely non-stop. I feel like I'm always playing catch up. Especially with Calculus. There just isn't enough time in the day. I'm slowly falling behind in that class. I got a B on my frist exam, but it's the other small things like quizzes, HW, and
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Well, after watching a few episodes of The X-Files, which then led to about 2 hours worth of reading up on alien abductions, area 51, and a few videos, I have thoroughly scared the shit out of myself.
Good going Linds.
Oh, and this will continue tomorrow complete with links so that I can spook you too. Haha.
What's better? Living a little bit further out with a nicer place (that's bigger and cheaper) or settling for something really close that's dingy, smaller, and more expensive? :\
Oh yeah~! I just remembered, a friend of mine was telling em that apparently for the new Saw movie, X-Japan are going to have a song on the soundtrack. And maybe also Dir en Grey. O__O Crazy~!