Dream Journal #6: baby, friend and Doraemon

May 23, 2006 12:04

[5/?/06]: My third time this year getting pregnant in a dream. I'm panicking, running around in the rain trying to feel enough courage to go to the abortion clinic. In my mind I know that's what I'm going to do. But my head is fighting a losing battle, telling me I must 'take the responsibility and give birth to the baby.' Like it always is in my got-pregnant-dreams, the father of the baby is unknown and I have no idea how the hell I ended up pregnant. The panic and fear was so real (as it always is...) that it almost feels unreal to answer in real life I've never been pregnant or had abortion before.

[5/9/06]: For the first time in my dream, I have killed my friend. It took place at school, on one bench in the sun. He sat there, pleading and shrieking like a girl "Please don't! Don't kill me, I don't want to die yet!!" when I without hesitation injected into his vein potassium cyanide with a syringe. Oddly, I harboured no grudge toward him as I did this (nor do I in real life, I love him as a friend.) The motivation behind this act is unknown; I did it compulsively without any real emotion, as though eating when starved, to keep myself alive.
The funeral procession and my grief felt painfully real. I woke up completely out of my mind. It took several minutes before I finally realized my dear friend is not dead for real. I still felt blurry in the head that I went to school in my pajama that day. I kindly e-mailed him about my horrible dream. Poor thing that was probably the first mail he received that morning XD

[5/22/06]: のび太がしずかちゃんの手を引いて崖の上を歩いている。のび太は甲冑に身を固めて、はりきった様子でお姫様の格好をしたしずかを引っぱっていく。私はそれが気に入らない。「私」とはしずかの心の隅に潜む闇で、というか私という影がしずかという抜け殻に住み着いて彼女の頭脳の役割を果たしている。のび太のやつ調子に乗りやがって...と思いながら我慢してのび太と旅をするが、ある時のび太が足を踏み外してガケから落ちそうになる。崖っぷちで必死に上がってこようとする彼はしずかに助けを求める。しめた!と思ったしずかは、ざまあみろという笑みを浮かべてのび太をガケから突き落とす。
―― そこで目が覚めた。はーーー...Morbid.


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