Drabble Cascade #128 - "Pin"

Sep 04, 2015 23:41

laptop working in safe mode - attempting a quick drabble while i can!


Morpho stood pinned to the wall, wings spread, irradecsent where the lamp caught them.
His brethen were locked behind glass, colours subdued.  In their midst a rickety desk littered with the tools of their torture.  Glass domes, fumes, black deadly pins.

A man entered, one Morpho had been watching, he went about the room unlatching glass then looked at Morpho recognising him as more.

'Watch' he whispered, gentle as a fresh spring breeze.

The air tasted of sugared water and filled quickly with fluttering wings.  Rainbow joy as his brethren flew free.  Nothing as it seemed in the wizard's workshop.
[Spoiler (click to open)]

Blue Morpho


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