Day 6, Torchwood: Awaiting the Coming, for the tw100 prompt 'Maybe this year...'

Dec 06, 2012 22:23

Title: Awaiting the Coming
Fandom: Torchwood
Rating: G
Characters/pairings: Jack, Ianto, shippy if you choose, which of course I most always do.
Warnings (including spoilers): Vague spoilers for, like, Jack on Doctor Who and Torchwood.
Wordcount: 100
Author's Note: For the tw100 prompt ‘Maybe this year…’, and you may think this barely incorporated the prompt, but it’s actually there, just hiddenly subtle *is so intellectual and grammatically correct*. (I’m just feeling punny and symbolic tonight, can’t you tell from my title? [And also that I need sleep real bad?])
Summary: Jack’s looking to wait out a lonely Christmas.

Jack let the team have Christmas off. He didn’t observe it- he’d learned that an immortal could never have a happy holiday surrounded by loved ones- but that didn’t mean that his friends couldn’t.

Knowing they were happily celebrating with their families somehow didn’t make Jack feel less lonely.

He sighed, swirling his tumbler of scotch. Maybe in the new year the Doctor would show up, and he could be normal again, happy again.

A light cough at the door attracted Jack’s attention to a suited figure. He smiled and waved Ianto in; maybe he would celebrate tonight after all.

challenge: tw100, category: fic, challenge: adventchallenge, fandom: torchwood, size: drabble

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